Welcome to Speak Mendoza where we have over 30 years of experience teaching English and Spanish, offering high quality group and individual courses with homestay options also. We have a large site which includes 8 classrooms, kitchen, 3 bathrooms, reception, lunch room and a recreation room. Additionally, we have an outside space including a BBQ area. There is free coffee and tea available as well as snacks provided for the break. We are situated in the heart of the beautiful and safe city of Mendoza, which is situated close to the Andes Mountains. There is no shortage of cultural and outdoor adventure activities and extreme sports like trekking, rafting, mountaineering, horse-riding and skiing. We also organize wine visits and tastings. Of course, we incorporate many of these into our language programs.
Apakah anda seorang pelajar, atau seorang pengusaha profesional, atau seorang yang suka bepergian, ada kursus bahasa di Mendoza yang tepat bagi Anda. Ada kursus-lursus Spanyol untuk semua tingkat kefasihan, umur dan lamanya. Cukup pilih satu jenis kursus dari daftar dibawah untuk memulai.
Bahasa Spanyol Umum kursus untuk orang dewasa yang ingin meningkatkan berbicara mereka, mendengarkan, membaca, dan menulis dalam bahasa Spanyol. Sebagian besar kursus bagi dewasa umur 16 keatas. Tersedia kursus bahasa Spanyol intensif di Mendoza 2 -48 minggu. Kursus sebagian besar rata-rata 30 kelas per minggu.