Both our permanent and part time teachers that form part of the teaching staff are professionals with more than 3 years of experience and continue their training by assisting courses on a regular basis focused on our needs in teaching Spanish as a foreign language. All our teachers have University degrees in Spanish Philology and are guided by the head of studies. Trinity School was founded in 1986. We are an accredited language school and form part of the network of accredited Instituto Cervantes School, which is the highest authority in the teaching of the Spanish Language. Acknowledgements and Seals of Quality Trinity School is an accredited Instituto Cervantes school, members of AEEA, FEDELE. Trinity College London, and Cambridge young learner examinations in the United Kingdom, CSN in Sweden and Bildungsurlaub in Germany. The school is located on a quiet side street, in the new centre of El Puerto de Santa Maria beside the Bull Ring and is only a 10 minute walk from the well known Historical Centre which its wonderful, vibrant old part of the city where the best bars, restaurants and nightlife is. The port is located in the centre of the old city, a 10-minute walk from the school and from where we take the old ferry on our trips to Cadiz. The school is perfectly situated near the main Avenue to give students easy access to tapas bars, café shops, banks, pharmacies and shops. Also the nearest beach is just 15 minutes on foot. Our school is housed in a modern, newly decorated building and has a really relaxed atmosphere with modern school furniture, a kitchen and a library with computers. The School facilities are: 9 spacious and bright classrooms all with natural sunlight and air conditioning/heating, a charming brightly painted social area for break time, a kitchen and free access to computers with high speed internet/e-mail. Our students come from around the world, many are Europeans and the school has a maximum capacity of about 142 students. Because of the 15Kms of magnificent golden sandy beaches, the short distances between the school, its host family accommodation and the city centre, this is a great location for school groups.
Spark Spanish (Bahasa Spanyol Spark) adalah sekolah bahasa yang dikelola keluarga yang bersahabat di kota El Puerto de Santa María yang indah, di pantai barat daya Andalucía. Dengan pantainya yang indah dan sejarahnya yang melimpah, ini adalah lokasi yang sempurna untuk memastikan pengalaman belajar bahasa Spanyol yang luar biasa. Kami menjalankan berbagai kursus bagi dewasa di musim panas, Juli hingga September. Dengan opsi Kursus Umum kami berdurasi 20 jam per minggu atau opsi Intensif dengan tambahan kelas 5 banding 1 di sore hari. Metodologi pengajaran inovatif kami, dikombinasikan dengan guru-guru penutur asli kami yang hebat dan ukuran kelas yang kecil (rata-rata 4-6 siswa), siswa kami selalu melampaui harapan mereka dengan seberapa banyak yang mereka pelajari. Siswa Spark memiliki berbagai pilihan akomodasi, mulai dari hunian mandiri kita sendiri di lantai pertama Akademi Bahasa Spanyol Spark, hingga tinggal bersama keluarga angkat, atau siswa yang menemukan akomodasi mereka sendiri di hotel atau rumah terdekat. Pilihan kami yang paling populer adalah hunian mandiri, karena lokasinya yang nyaman dan suasana yang bersahabat. Hunian mandiri kami menawarkan dapur besar/ ruang makan, kamar tidur tunggal atau ganda, WiFi gratis di seluruh area, fasilitas penatu, teras atap yang besar, dan banyak lagi. Setiap minggu kami menyelenggarakan program acara kebudayaan untuk staf dan siswa yang berfungsi sebagai peluang bagus untuk berlatih bahasa Spanyol dan menjelajahi daerah tersebut.
Apakah anda seorang pelajar, atau seorang pengusaha profesional, atau seorang yang suka bepergian, ada kursus bahasa di El Puerto de Santa María yang tepat bagi Anda. Ada kursus-lursus Spanyol untuk semua tingkat kefasihan, umur dan lamanya. Cukup pilih satu jenis kursus dari daftar dibawah untuk memulai.