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Kursus Rusia di Castelldefels bersama Language International
belajar Rusia

1 sekolah, 1 kursus lanjut

Kursus Rusia di Barcelona bersama Language International
belajar Rusia


Kursus Rusia di Castelldefels bersama Language International


1 sekolah, 1 kursus

Kursus Rusia di Barcelona bersama Language International


1 sekolah


Jenis kursus bahasa Rusia apa yang anda cari?


Kursus bahasa Rusia umum

Bahasa Rusia Umum kursus untuk orang dewasa yang ingin meningkatkan berbicara mereka, mendengarkan, membaca, dan menulis dalam bahasa Rusia. Sebagian besar kursus bagi dewasa umur 16 keatas. Tersedia kursus bahasa Rusia intensif !in !region 2 -48 minggu. Kursus sebagian besar rata-rata 30 kelas per minggu.

Tanya & jawab

Ada pertanyaan Dapatkan jawaban dari penasihat siswa kami, Language International staf dan siswa sebelumnya.

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"What visa should a student apply for a 2-week course?"

Regarding the Visa, if it is for 2 weeks, she will have to apply for a tourist Visa, not for a student’s VISA.
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"If the original documents do not arrive in time, do you think it would be possible for the student to apply using only electronic copies?"

I can send you all the documents you need, and I could send the student certificate tomorrow by urgent mail, but you should explain to her that if she comes to Spain for one week, she will not get a Student Visa, because if she wants to stay in the country for just one week, she can come as a tourist so she doesn’t need a Visa. I can send the original documents if that’s what she wants, but that paper is going to be useful just as a “reason” to come to Spain, but it will not be useful to get a Visa, so maybe it’s enough with a copy (not original).
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"Can you issue an invitation letter for the visa for this course?"

Ana Abreu, spelajar dari Brazil
Pedro Sánchez, Cronopios Idiomas staf
We can issue an invitation letter for the visa.
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