International House Nice dibuka pada tahun 1985 dan terletak tepat di pusat kota Nice, yang dekat dengan kota tua dan pantai. Sekolah ini memiliki ruang kelas berpenyejuk ruangan dan ruang umum siswa tempat mereka dapat bersantai, menikmati minuman dan menggunakan internet. IH Nice menawarkan kelas untuk siswa di setiap level dan berbagai pilihan akomodasi. Tersedia juga banyak peluang untuk mendapatkan pengalaman kebudayaan lokal di Nice dan di sepanjang French Riviera. Sistem transportasi umum, jaringan kereta, dan bus menyediakan akses mudah ke daerah sekitar.
Learning French with Alpadia by the breathtaking Mediterranean blue coast will become one of the best experiences of your life. Nice is one of the most popular destinations in France; its deep blue waters, local markets, and the opportunity to visit the nearby charming cities of Monaco and Cannes will inspire you to free your best French accent in no time! Our French school is in Nice city centre, in the quiet and safe residential area “Les Musiciens” Alpadia in Nice is just 5 minutes away from the central station and the tramway and 8 minutes from the beach and downtown Practise your French during all the activities of our social program, to make the most of the sunny French Riviera Each year, we welcome more than 4,000 students. Our French courses are accessible to everyone, whatever your level of knowledge of the language French is the mother tongue of our teachers, who always hold at least a university degree. Our system focuses on your success while being innovative and fun. We are recognized by the FLE quality label
Learn French in Nice and discover the beauty of the Côte d'Azur while enjoying the fantastic Mediterranean climate and local cuisine! This stunning seaside city boasts a wealth of activities; from a diverse range of watersports, to cultural excursions, from city shopping to food markets in the colourful old town, from a leisurely stroll along the Promenade des Anglais to games on the pebbled beaches. Nice is the vibrant capital of the French Riviera, France's fifth largest city and has the largest number of museums after Paris, with the Modern Museum of Contemporary Art, Matisse Museum and the Marc Chagall Museum to name but a few. Bustling with activity, Nice offers French language students plenty of entertainment and fun, not to mention providing a great base to explore beautiful neighbouring places like Monaco, Cannes and Antibes. The city is also home to Europe’s largest greenhouse, Parc Phoenix, a 7-hectare botanical garden that hosts 2,500 different plant species. With weekly excursions and a generous choice of daily activities, there is a superb selection of sports, cultural and entertaining things to do and great sites to discover. With a unique holiday atmosphere, Nice will provide students with the ideal summer environment for an exciting French language learning experience by the sea! The Massena course centre, built in 1795 and classed as a historical monument, features elegant architecture including courtyards, lush gardens and a clock tower. Located in the centre of town, less than 10 minutes on foot to the famous Promenade des Anglais and the beach, the campus features modern amenities with plenty of sports facilities and cultural landmarks nearby. Alpadia Nice boasts an indoor sportshall, a table tennis room, outdoor multi-sport courts and comfortable, bright classrooms, optimising the learning environment at this exceptional location.
Learn French & live in your private teacher's home around Nice with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including French lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in France. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one French lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Nice. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in French. All of our teachers in France have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Nice, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
alpha.b terletak di pusat kota Nice, ibu kota Riviera Prancis. Nice adalah kota ke-lima dan bandara ke-dua di Prancis. Situasi geografis yang unik dengan iklim mikronya yang terkenal membuat kota ini menjadi tujuan sepanjang tahun untuk belajar bahasa Prancis. Di alpha.b motif utama kami adalah kualitas dan fleksibilitas. Kami adalah sekolah yang dikelola keluarga dengan tim yang muda dan dinamis di bawah manajemen Prancis/ Jerman. Berbagai macam kursus berbeda memungkinkan untuk memenuhi semua permintaan dan kelompok umur. Selain kelas, kami menawarkan Anda program kegiatan opsional. Kegiatan sosial sebagai pembuka percakapan dan juga kunjungan wisata untuk mempelajari tentang Nice, Monako, Cannes, dan semua tempat menakjubkan yang kami miliki.
Idiom is THE specialist of courses for adults. We know and understand the needs of adults who seek a rewarding training experience. Our courses are tailored to help you reach your goals: groups only consisting of adults, small groups with only 7 students on average and highly skilled teachers who dedicate themselves to satisfy the expectations of all participants in class. We welcome maximum 50 students at the same time so that we can take care of each of our students individually. At Idiom, you will find all the services and supervision that will help to make your stay a success. IDIOM is situated in an individual villa from the Belle Epoque (end of 19th century), right in the city centre, at only 2 minutes walk from the main street of Nice. We regularly offers free activities: visit of the old town, visits of museums, films, tasting of local specialities and wine and excursions to nearby famous cities to help you discover our beautiful region.
Berlokasi sempurna di pusat Kota Nice, sekolah ini tidak pernah lebih dari 10 menit dari mana pun siswa ingin pergi. Siswa dapat menikmati ketenangan daerah sekitarnya, berjalan ke kota tua dalam dua menit, ke pantai hanya dalam 5 menit, dan sangat dekat dengan taman yang indah, "la coulée verte". Info: 5 Ruang Kelas, mesin kopi, minuman dingin, akses Wifi gratis
Pada tahun 2007 sekolah Azurlingua dianugerahi label "Qualité FLE" Ini adalah salah satu sekolah pertama di Prancis yang telah dianugerahi label untuk kualitas pengajarannya, bangunan, dan layanannya (administrasi, pendaftaran, akomodasi ...) Label kualitas adalah komitmen dari negara Prancis, melalui badan Kementerian Pendidikan, Penelitian dan Pendidikan Tinggi, urusan luar negeri (Kantor Tinggi untuk kerja sama dan pengembangan internasional), dan delegasi umum bagi Bahasa Perancis untuk mempercayakan CIEP dalam mendirikan badan pengatur untuk pemberian label berkualitas ke pusat pengajaran Bahasa Prancis sebagai bahasa asing yang beroperasi di wilayah Prancis. Gerakan seperti itu akan, mulai sekarang, memungkinkan untuk mengidentifikasi, mengenali, dan mempromosikan sekolah-sekolah yang mampu memberikan kursus dan layanan yang sesuai dengan harapan siswa mereka.
The host are located in Cote d'Azur and surrounding areas.
The host are located in Corsica and surrounding areas.
Sekolah kami luas dan terang serta memiliki 17 ruang kelas berpenyejuk ruangan, pusat media dengan komputer, ruang istirahat siswa, dan akses WiFi gratis di seluruh area. Sekolah ini menawarkan program bahasa Prancis umum serta program bertema (misalnya Bahasa Prancis & memasak, senior) dan kursus penyegaran guru. Tersedia juga berbagai pilihan akomodasi dan kegiatan sosial bagi siswa.
Sekelompok kecil orang-orang seusiaku. Dua guru, tipe berbeda tetapi keduanya sangat baik. Lokasinya bagus, jalan kaki yang bagus dari apartemen saya dan pusat kota more
Kelas saya sangat baik dan teman sekelas saya sangat membantu dan memberi semangat, guru sangat membantu saya dengan kata-kata yang tidak saya mengerti dan yang tidak saya ketahui. Lokasi sangat bagus karena berjarak 3 menit berjalan kaki dari... more
Apakah anda seorang pelajar, atau seorang pengusaha profesional, atau seorang yang suka bepergian, ada kursus bahasa di Nice yang tepat bagi Anda. Ada kursus-lursus Prancis untuk semua tingkat kefasihan, umur dan lamanya. Cukup pilih satu jenis kursus dari daftar dibawah untuk memulai.