Tujuan-tujuan popular di Hong Kong

Kursus Korea di Hong Kong bersama Language International
belajar Korea
Hong Kong

1 sekolah, 12 kursus lanjut

Kursus Korea di Hong Kong bersama Language International

Hong Kong

1 sekolah, 12 kursus


Jenis kursus bahasa Korea apa yang anda cari?


Kursus bahasa Korea umum

Bahasa Korea Umum kursus untuk orang dewasa yang ingin meningkatkan berbicara mereka, mendengarkan, membaca, dan menulis dalam bahasa Korea. Sebagian besar kursus bagi dewasa umur 16 keatas. Tersedia kursus bahasa Korea intensif !in !region 2 -48 minggu. Kursus sebagian besar rata-rata 30 kelas per minggu.

Persiapan ujian 

Kursus persiapan ujian Korea

Kursus persiapan tes Korea bagi siswa yang ingin mempersiapkan tes kecakapan Korea untuk meningkatkan prospek pekerjaan atau mendapatkan izin masuk ke universitas.


Kursus bahasa Korea bisnis

Pelajaran bahasa Korea satu-ke-satu bisnis adalah untuk eksekutif bisnis dan profesional yang ingin belajar bahasa Korea secepat mungkin dengan pelajaran disesuaikan dan guru bahasa Korea pribadi.


Kursus Korea profesional

Profesional Korea kursus bagi para profesional yang ingin belajar bahasa Korea pada area spesifik, seperti bisnis, hukum kedokteran,, penerbangan, dan perhotelan.

Tanya & jawab

Ada pertanyaan Dapatkan jawaban dari penasihat siswa kami, Language International staf dan siswa sebelumnya.

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"Can you confirm that the student does NOT need a study visa to join this course?"

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"Can you explain me how does the procedure work for the student visa application? Do you always do the process on behalf of the student? or does the student need to go to the embassy?"

Bruna Messias, spelajar dari Brazil
There are a list of document that we need to collect from the student. The student also need to settle the course fee before we start with the visa process. The visa will take 6-8 weeks to process. After the visa is issued, the student can choose to pick up from is in HK or you can send it to them by DHL (additional cost will be charged). This is the checklist: a) passport copy b) bank statement with official English translation (if not in your name, we need passport copy of bank account holder. If it is a parent, we need your birth certificate copy too) c) school documents with official English translation d) signed document to confirm all visits to HK with dates (if any) e) work documents (if you have not had a job this is not required) f) purpose letter (see attached to edit & sign) g) payment of course fees h) Rate bill or Tenancy agreement as accommodation proof. i) ID995A immigration application form
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"What are the requirements to apply for a student visa?"

Frida Test, spelajar dari Amerika Serikat
And the documents needed are: 1) colour passport copy & photo 2) copies of academic documents 3) copies of any work documents (if applicable) 4) copy of bank statement (can be from family member with copy of the account holders passport too) 5) signed statement showing email address, home address, telephone number, dates of any previous trips to HK 6) course fee payment All documents should include English translations.
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"Is it possible for this student from Colombia to apply for a student visa in order to stay 1 year in Hong Kong? Can you confirm that the course listed below is still available?"

Frida Test, spelajar dari Amerika Serikat
Language Systems , Language Systems International staf
We are able to arrange 1 year student visa for the student. They will also need to enroll to 1 year English/Chinese course.
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