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Beberapa homestay hati-hati memilih dan menawarkan kepada pelajar kesempatan untuk mempelajari labih banyak tentang budaya lokal dalam suasana yang nyaman saat belajar bahasa di Sheffield. Rumah-rumah ini berjarak antara 15 - 45 menit dari sekolah dengan transportasi umum. Keluarga biasanya menawarkan paket makan yang terjangkau yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mencicipi masakan lokal. Jika Anda memiliki permintaan khusus atau diet (karena alasan agama atau kesehatan), beritahukan kami terlebih dahulu. Tempat tinggal Anda mulai hari Minggu sehari sebelum kelas dimulai dan berakhir Sabtu sehari setelah kelas terakhir kecuali ada catatan lain. Pelajari lebih lanjut seputar homestay
The Sheffield College's City Campus is a great place to be and perfectly located just a 10 minute walk from the city centre, and just 5 minutes from the train station.
Ada pertanyaan Dapatkan jawaban dari penasihat siswa kami, The Sheffield College staf dan siswa sebelumnya.
Ajukan pertanyaan
Thank you for the enquiry submitted for our English language course. When would you like to start?
Our course structure focuses on academic skills development in the morning and IELTS preparation in the afternoon.
If you need further details, please stay in contact.
Kind regards,
Good morning,
Would you want to check some details on our yutube channel: ?
Kind regards,
Hey there,
Are you still interested in studying at the Sheffield College?
Kind regards,
Good morning,
Thank you for the enquiry submitted for our English language course. When would you like to start?
Please see all the relevant details on the link but if you have further questions, I am happy to answer them.
If you are ready to apply, we only need an application form with the start date of the course and period of study and a copy of your passport.
Kind regards,