Sebagai informasi umum OHLA menjalankan salah satu program ESL terbesar di wilayah Miami. Sekolah kami dapat menampung lebih dari 350 siswa dan bagi siswa yang mengejar program Persiapan Universitas dan Ujian OHLA mendedikasikan Pusat Studi Pascasarjana, dilengkapi dengan smart board untuk pengalaman belajar yang interaktif.
OHLA menempati seluruh lantai 18 dari sebuah lokasi dengan pemandangan teluk yang indah tepat di pusat kota Miami. Dengan pemandangan laut sebagai halaman depan dan kota sebagai halaman belakang.
Setiap ruang kelas dilengkapi dengan TV berlayar datar, komputer, dan akses WiFi penuh untuk membantu para guru kami dalam menyampaikan kegiatan pembelajaran yang inovatif dan interaktif.
OHLA memiliki lebih dari 25 ruang kelas dan 3 laboratorium komputer. Siswa di OHLA memiliki akses ke kolam renang, Jacuzzi, dan pusat kebugaran gratis. Siswa di OHLA juga dapat mendaftar ke pusat kesehatan kami dan menikmati kelas yoga, aerobik, dan power plate.
OHLA menawarkan berbagai layanan akomodasi, dari tinggal bersama keluarga angkat hingga penempatan di tiga tempat tinggal siswa yang berbeda, satu di dalam kampus dan dua di luar kampus yang hanya beberapa menit dari sekolah kami.
Selama bertahun-tahun, OHLA telah tumbuh menjadi pemimpin di bidang ESL dengan membimbing siswa internasional menuju jalur perkembangan profesional dan pribadi. Siswa yang berasal dari lebih dari 60 negara menjadi bagian dari institusi ini yang bangga akan:
• Program yang sangat terakreditasi
• Kualitas luar biasa dari staf pengajar dan layanan siswa
• Berbagai pilihan akomodasi yang ditawarkan (bersama keluarga angkat dan 3 tempat tinggal siswa)
• Fasilitasnya tak tertandingi
Bergabunglah dengan salah satu sekolah bahasa terkemuka di Miami!
Tahun didirikan
Jumlah ruang kelas
Makan daerah
Budaya perjalanan
Internet nirkabel
Mempelajari daerah
Akses kursi roda
Kegiatan olahraga
Internet gratis
Audio belajar
Kegiatan sosial
Kualifikasi guru
Native Inggris speakers
Lebih dari 50%
Guru dengan sertifikat mengajar Inggris
Guru dengan gelar sarjana
Universitas mitra
OHLA has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in Amerika Serikat. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
Adelphi University
Arkansas State University
Auburn University
Centennial College
Colorado State University
DeVry University
Drew University
Florida International University
Full Sail University
High Point University
Living Arts College
Louisiana State University in Shreveport
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences
Millennia Atlantic University
Montana State University
Oregon State University
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design
Saint Louis University
Saint Norbert College
Seattle Central College
Strayer University
Texas Wesleyan University
The University of Kansas
Tribeca Flashpoint of Chicago
University of Central Florida
University of North Alabama
University of South Carolina
University of South Florida
Kebangsaan dan campuran umur
Kebangsaan dan campuran umur di berbagai OHLA Schools dalam kurun waktu berbeda, kursus dan tingkat. Sepanjang tahun, rata-rata usia adalah 24. Di musim panas, rata-rata umur adalah !age-Summer_age
Libur sekolah
OHLA tidak mengadakan kelas pada hari libur tanggal di bawah ini.! Sekolah tidak memberikan kompensasi untuk liburan ini, jadi pastikan untuk memilih tanggal mulai sesuai.
Buka tanggal
sepanjang tahun
Libur sekolah
14 Mar 2025, 23 Mei 2025, 26 Mei 2025, 19 Jun 2025, 04 Jul 2025, 01 Agu 2025, 01 Sep 2025, 10 Okt 2025, 27 Nov 2025 - 28 Nov 2025, 22 Des 2025 - 31 Des 2025
Lokasi sekolah
Kampus OHLA terletak di pusat Miami "Brickell" yang dikenal sebagai Distrik Keuangan Miami. Dengan 25 ruang kelas yang menghadap teluk yang sangat menarik, 3 ruang penerima tamu, 3 laboratorium komputer, dan fasilitas canggih yang menampung lebih dari 350 siswa.
Siswa OHLA memiliki akses ke 2 kolam renang, Jacuzzi, pusat kebugaran lengkap, kafetaria, dan pusat kesehatan yang disebut Open Hearts Living Active, di mana siswa dapat berlatih yoga, pilates, dan power plate.
Siswa OHLA memiliki akses ke Pusat Studi Pascasarjana, di mana siswa terutama dapat fokus pada program Persiapan Universitas dan Persiapan Ujian. Pusat Studi Pascasarjana OHLA dilengkapi dengan smart board yang interaktif untuk meningkatkan pengalaman belajar.
Lokasi OHLA yang luar biasa memungkinkan siswa untuk mengakses sistem metro karena hanya berjarak 2 menit dari sekolah, dan berada dalam jarak berjalan kaki ke stasiun metro, klub, restoran, toko, pantai, teluk, dll.
Datang dan jadilah bagian dari siswa kami yang beragam kebangsaannya. Selamat datang di OHLA!
Mengambil tour video
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100% yang direkomendasikan
berdasar 13 ulasan
5 bintang
4 bintang
3 bintang
2 bintang
1 bintang
Mutu guru
Fasilitas sekolah
Aktivitas sosial
Lokasi sekolah
Tempat tinggal
Chrystel Rospars ép. Clairiot,
siswa dari Perancis
(Translated by Google Translate)
for Chrystel and Lucie CLAIRIOT it was perfect, with very playful teachers. (basic 2)
for Sylvain CLAIRIOT: disappointed, teacher not playful and fixed only on tests, Sylvain thinks he has made very little progress (intermediate 1)
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.
"I loved every second of my trip"
Jessie Thabuis,
siswa dari Perancis
(Translated by Google Translate)
My teacher was great and the classes efficient. I wish I could've stayed longer to improve my English even more.
The school is very close to downtown, which was very convenient. I liked how close to everything the school was, which also made it more convenient for the activities. Brickell is a very nice district. Hopefully I'll be able to go back next year, maybe try Orlando next time!
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.
"It was really a nice trip. I learned a lot about the people, about the US, and even about myself!"
Vincent Moreillon Bandelier,
siswa dari Switzerland
(Translated by Google Translate)
It was a nice experience. I had two teachers and both were really good. The activities of the school were varied, interesting, and not too expensive. The location was perfect; we had everything close to the school or the housing, but the price was really too expensive. I met some people there who rented almost the same room for two times less the price given to me! The classes were not so bad, but the internet of the school was terrible. Miami is a beautiful city, but without a car, it is a mess.
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.
ruth adriana moreno fuentes,
siswa dari Kolombia
(Translated by Google Translate)
It was a very good experience. I am very satisfied with the school. The teachers are very friendly and the classes very interesting. There are students from different countries and this makes for a better experience. The school location is very good and in general I can recommend this school without hesitation.
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.
Artur Kornienko,
siswa dari Russia
(Translated by Google Translate)
I liked that our school was situated almost on the top floor, so we had a magnificent view of the city. Teachers were wonderful, very friendly, and supportive
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.
"Excellent place to learn and absorb English with great location."
Anna Kryukova,
siswa dari Russia
(Translated by Google Translate)
OHLA is nice place to study English, with perfect location in the city center and nice view. It is really easy to get to the school. Every teacher has personal structure of the lessons. Weekly tests helps to check your personal goals and score in every part you learn. Same time you have a lot of available time to see the city, walk around and even outside. Also school has an option. You can take funny excursions or walk with group of people from school. In any way you will improve your skills in English.
Administration of the school will always happy to see you with any difficulties and will give an option what to do.
My personal experience of staying was with family. It was excellent choice to me. I am happy that I met them.
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.
"It was a great experience!"
Carla Miranda,
siswa dari Brazil
(Translated by Google Translate)
Despite the short time since I was only there for two weeks, I thought the school was excellent. Teachers and staff are very attentive and competent. Classes are dynamic and interesting. The location is an important detail, it is close to some Metromover stations, bus stops and I managed to walk around the various restaurant bars, which operate at night and some tourist spots like Bayside and Downtown. I was staying at the Extended Stay Hotel which has amenities like wi-fi, shuttle, mini-kitchen in the apartment, breakfast and the reception location close to school, I returned several times to walk to the hotel. OHLA really worth it, but would not recommend any course (neither this nor otherwise) with less than one month's duration.
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.
"Great experience, will recommend to all my friends"
Eugenia Romanova,
siswa dari Amerika Serikat
(Translated by Google Translate)
I had a very pleasant experience at OHLA.
Very friendly attentive staff, excellent learning improvement,
Comfortable school facilities.
Will recommend all my friends to experience this school.
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.
"It was a great experience but it could be better!"
siswa dari Brazil
(Translated by Google Translate)
My personal experience was good, but it could be better, in the way that my teacher was not a native American and I didn't like that! The course was similar to course in Brazil that Ihave already done and I needed to improve my skills in conversation and there I did not have this all of the time, but only in some opportunities! Most of the time it was writing and write! I would like to come back but to improve my conversation and have this opportunity in know places to practice the language.
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.
"It was a very good experience."
Lanchenkova Olga,
siswa dari Russia
(Translated by Google Translate)
I liked the location of the school. It is in the center of Miami, near the Metromover station. The classes were very interesting and our teacher Nichol was very nice and professional. I didn't like that we didn't have homework, but it was an excellent experience for me.
Asrama pelajar lebih cocok bagi seorang pelajar mandiri, yang mencari akomodasi yang bersih dengan haraga ekonomis. Seluruh pelajar harus berumur 18+ kecuali ada catatan lain. Tempat tinggal Anda mulai hari Minggu sehari sebelum kelas dimulai dan berakhir Sabtu sehari setelah kelas terakhir kecuali ada catatan lain. Pelajari lebih lanjut seputar akomodasi asrama pelajar
Tempat tinggal siswa - 3-orang berbagi kamar - Tanpa makanan
Rp 6825393
Open Hearts Residence - Multiple Shared - No Meals
Kisaran umur: 18 tahun dan lebih
Alamat: 825 brickell bay drive, Miami, FLORIDA 33131, United States
Lokasi: In the city center of Miami
Jenis tempat tinggal: Siswa tinggal (di kampus)
Jenis kamar: 3-orang berbagi kamar
Rencana makanan: Tanpa makanan
Fasilitas: Kamar mandi pribadi, dapur, binatu, telepon, internet nirkabel, internet gratis, ruang TV, aC, supervisi 24/7, fasilitas olahraga, dan lainnya
Jarak ke sekolah: 1 menit dengan walk
Tersedianya: Januari - Desember
Hari kedatangan: Minggu, kapan saja
Hari keberangkatan: Minggu, kapan saja
Rp 6825393
(Translated by Google Translate)
It is called the Four Ambassadors because there are 4 towers connected by a common lobby. The residence is located in Tower 4 [far right] while the school is next to it [Tower 3]. The students can enjoy an ocean view not only from their classroom but also from the comfort of their very own studio /apartment.
All the students have to do, is to get out of their room, take the elevator down to the lobby and come up to the school. After class, they can spend the afternoon around the pools, enjoying the sun and the occasional drink at the Blue Parrot Tropical Bar located between the pools.
* Accommodation is offered in 2-bedroom apartments in shared occupation [2 or 3 students per room]
* Each apartment includes 2 private bathrooms, a full kitchen, dining room, living room, TV, phone and ample storage space.
* Twice a week "maid service" which includes general cleaning, new bed sheets, vacuuming, etc.,is provided. Laundry facilities are also found on site.
* 24 hrs security.
* On site amenities offered are; Beauty Salon, Coffee Shop, Dry Cleaning Services, Fitness Facility, 2 heated pools, Jacuzzi, Lounge and restaurants
Tempat tinggal siswa - 2-orang berbagi kamar - Sarapan
Alamat: 298 SW 15 Rd, Miami, FLORIDA 33129, United States
Lokasi: In the city center of Miami
Jenis tempat tinggal: Siswa tinggal (di luar kampus)
Jenis kamar: 2-orang berbagi kamar
Rencana makanan: Sarapan (7 kali makan per minggu)
Fasilitas: Kamar mandi pribadi, dapur, binatu, telepon, internet nirkabel, internet gratis, ruang TV, karpet, aC, dan supervisi 24/7
Jarak ke sekolah: 10 menit dengan walk
Tersedianya: Januari - Desember
Hari kedatangan: Minggu, kapan saja
Hari keberangkatan: Minggu, kapan saja
Pembatasan: 2 siswa harus mendaftar bersama-sama
Rp 7162449
(Translated by Google Translate)
At this location, we offer accommodation in studios
with two beds. The studios have a fully equipped
kitchen, with a full size refrigerator, microwave,
stovetop, coffee-maker, cooking and dining utensils,
as well as a spacious work-space with computer data
port. This residence is only a 10 minute walk to our school.
• Free shuttle to and from school
• Television with premium cable channels
• Bi-weekly housekeeping
• Laundry facility
• 24 hour security
• Free WiFi
Tempat tinggal siswa - Single-person room - Sarapan
Rp 12639616
Brickell Residence (off-campus) - Single Accommodation
Kisaran umur: 18 tahun dan lebih
Alamat: 298 SW 15 Rd, Miami, FLORIDA 33129, United States
Lokasi: In the city center of Miami
Jenis tempat tinggal: Siswa tinggal (di luar kampus)
Jenis kamar: Single-person room
Rencana makanan: Sarapan (7 kali makan per minggu)
Fasilitas: Kamar mandi pribadi, dapur, binatu, telepon, internet nirkabel, internet gratis, ruang TV, karpet, aC, dan supervisi 24/7
Jarak ke sekolah: 10 menit dengan walk
Tersedianya: Januari - Desember
Hari kedatangan: Minggu, kapan saja
Hari keberangkatan: Minggu, kapan saja
Rp 12639616
(Translated by Google Translate)
At this location, we offer accommodation in studios
with two beds. The studios have a fully equipped
kitchen, with a full size refrigerator, microwave,
stovetop, coffee-maker, cooking and dining utensils,
as well as a spacious work-space with computer data
port. This residence is only a 10 minute walk to our school.
• Free shuttle to and from school
• Television with premium cable channels
• Bi-weekly housekeeping
• Laundry facility
• 24 hour security
• Free WiFi
Tempat tinggal siswa - Single-person room - Tanpa makanan
Rp 13650785
Open Hearts Residence - Single Accommodation - No meals (Not available in Summer)
Kisaran umur: 18 tahun dan lebih
Alamat: 825 brickell bay drive, Miami, FLORIDA 33131, United States
Lokasi: In the city center of Miami
Jenis tempat tinggal: Siswa tinggal (di kampus)
Jenis kamar: Single-person room
Rencana makanan: Tanpa makanan
Fasilitas: Kamar mandi pribadi, dapur, binatu, telepon, internet nirkabel, internet gratis, ruang TV, aC, supervisi 24/7, fasilitas olahraga, dan lainnya
Jarak ke sekolah: 1 menit dengan walk
Tersedianya: Januari - Desember
Hari kedatangan: Minggu, kapan saja
Hari keberangkatan: Minggu, kapan saja
Rp 13650785
(Translated by Google Translate)
It is called the Four Ambassadors because there are 4 towers connected by a common lobby. The residence is located in Tower 4 [far right] while the school is next to it [Tower 3]. The students can enjoy an ocean view not only from their classroom but also from the comfort of their very own studio /apartment.
All the students have to do, is to get out of their room, take the elevator down to the lobby and come up to the school. After class, they can spend the afternoon around the pools, enjoying the sun and the occasional drink at the Blue Parrot Tropical Bar located between the pools.
* Accommodation is offered in 2-bedroom apartments in shared occupation [2 or 3 students per room]
* Each apartment includes 2 private bathrooms, a full kitchen, dining room, living room, TV, phone and ample storage space.
* Twice a week "maid service" which includes general cleaning, new bed sheets, vacuuming, etc.,is provided. Laundry facilities are also found on site.
* 24 hrs security.
* On site amenities offered are; Beauty Salon, Coffee Shop, Dry Cleaning Services, Fitness Facility, 2 heated pools, Jacuzzi, Lounge and restaurants
Dukungan visa
Anda tidak dapat mengajukan permohonan visa sebagai seorang pelajar. Namun, pihak sekolah dapat memberi Anda seluruh dokumentasi yang Anda perlukan untuk mendukung permohonan visa Anda.
Bila Anda belajar full time di Amerika Serikat untuk jangka lebih dari 18 jam per minggu, Anda akan menerima I-20 yang harus Anda kirimkan ke Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat bersama aplikasi visa belajar F-1 Anda. I-20 memiliki nomor pelacakan SEVIS. Pelajar yang ingin memohon visa pelajar harus membayar biaya SEVIS secara online sebelum menuju ke Kedutaan Besar atau konsulat Amerika Serikat untuk wawancara.
I-20 Anda akan dikirim ke alamat rumah Anda melalui pos biasa tanpa dipungut biaya
Perlu diingat bahwa undang-undang Amerika Serikat menetapkan I-20 hanya dikeluarkan bagi pelajar yang berniat meraih pelajaran bahasa Ingggris penuh waktu atau full-time. Undang-undang Amerika Serikat tidak mengizinkan pelajar untuk belajar paruh waktu dengan visa pelajar F-1. Bila Anda belajar untuk jangka kurang dari 18 jam per minggu, Anda harus mengajukan sendiri visa tamu (B1/B2).
Sekolah menawarkan jasa penjemputan di bandara. Bila Anda ingin dijemput, cukup kirimi kami rincian penerbangan Anda dan tanggal kedatangan. Ongkos untuk sekali perjalanan dari Miami International Airport adalah $80. Anda harus memsan transfer bandara Anda pada saat mendaftar.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Miami based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Asuransi perjalanan
Pelajar di luar negeri tanpa khawatir bersama Language International's health and personal effects insurance coverage.
825 Brickell Bay Drive, 18th Floor Miami Florida 33131 United States
Lokasi sekolah
Kampus OHLA terletak di pusat Miami "Brickell" yang dikenal sebagai Distrik Keuangan Miami. Dengan 25 ruang kelas yang menghadap teluk yang sangat menarik, 3 ruang penerima tamu, 3 laboratorium komputer, dan fasilitas canggih yang menampung lebih dari 350 siswa.
Siswa OHLA memiliki akses ke 2 kolam renang, Jacuzzi, pusat kebugaran lengkap, kafetaria, dan pusat kesehatan yang disebut Open Hearts Living Active, di mana siswa dapat berlatih yoga, pilates, dan power plate.
Siswa OHLA memiliki akses ke Pusat Studi Pascasarjana, di mana siswa terutama dapat fokus pada program Persiapan Universitas dan Persiapan Ujian. Pusat Studi Pascasarjana OHLA dilengkapi dengan smart board yang interaktif untuk meningkatkan pengalaman belajar.
Lokasi OHLA yang luar biasa memungkinkan siswa untuk mengakses sistem metro karena hanya berjarak 2 menit dari sekolah, dan berada dalam jarak berjalan kaki ke stasiun metro, klub, restoran, toko, pantai, teluk, dll.
Datang dan jadilah bagian dari siswa kami yang beragam kebangsaannya. Selamat datang di OHLA!
Tanya & jawab
Ada pertanyaan Dapatkan jawaban dari penasihat siswa kami, OHLA Schools staf dan siswa sebelumnya.
"Can you enrol a 15 year old student on your course?"
Bruna Messias,
siswa dari Brazil
Open Hearts Language Academy staf
Not if the student is under 16. Because of admissions and immigration regulations we cannot accept studnets under that age for the F1 visa.
Apakah ini membantu? YaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Can you accept a 12 year old on your group classes and activities for the summer program?"
siswa dari Venezuela
Philip Sherman,
No. Our minimum age is 15. We recommend private lessons for a 12 year old.
Apakah ini membantu? YaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Can you provide the homestay address for the student? And can you also advise whether the hosts are Americans or South Americans?"
Open Hearts Language Academy staf
We can advise that the closest family are 45-50 minutes away from the schoopl via public transport. And the family is hispanic and they speak English at home.
Apakah ini membantu? YaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Can you recommend an alternative if a student is not yet ready to take the Cambridge preparation course?"
Open Hearts Language Academy staf
We recommend the first 3 weeks taking semi-intensive Basic 2, together with 2 private lessons per week. On completion, the student will be ready for a re-test for admission to the Cambridge preparation program. Or 4 weeks of semi-intensive general English compbined with provate lessons.
Apakah ini membantu? YaThank You!
Open Hearts Language Academy staf
Apakah ini membantu? YaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Can a student take the IELTS exam directly at the school after the course?"
Open Hearts Language Academy staf
It is possib. Howver, our center only offer the IELTS test preparation. The official exam center is twenty miles away.
Apakah ini membantu? YaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Can you accept a 12 year old - even though the minimum age is 15?"
Magdalena Chrzanowska,
siswa dari Polandia
Philip Sherman,
No we cannot. We recommend private classes for a 12 year old.
Apakah ini membantu? YaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Do you host winter camps?"
Paula Abnader,
siswa dari Brazil
Laura Galindo,
Open Hearts Language Academy staf
No we do not.
Apakah ini membantu? YaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"If a student books a course at one cener and mid-way through wishes to transfer to a different state, can the student transfer to another ELSA center without incurring any costs?"
If he pays the full tuition in advance and he transfers to another school (not another ELS center,) he would not receive any refund after having completed ½ of his enrolled program. However, if he transfers to another ELS center, his remaining balance would be transferrable to the new ELS center.
The only penalty fee would be if he has ELS housing and doesn’t provide sufficient notice to the center about housing cancellation for future sessions.
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(Translated by Google Translate)
"What happens regarding fees if you do not receive the payment from CADIVI by the start date?"
Ricardo Chinea Santeramo,
siswa dari Venezuela
Ana Rocha,
inlingua staf
If we do not receive the payment from CADIVI by the start date, the student will have to pay monthly fees until we receive payment. Then we will refund the student 30 days after we get paid.
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"If I provisionally book a course place, how long will you hold the space for me?"
أحمد البقعاوي,
siswa dari Arab Saudi
We can only hold the space for 48 hours.
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"Are your class members determined by age?"
张 冬冬,
siswa dari China
Ana Rocha,
inlingua staf
No. We select students by similar English ability. The group minimum will be 16 and there is no maximum age.
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"What is the process for a student wishing to apply for CADIVI?"
Open Hearts Language Academy staf
The CADIVI is quite complicated. The Venezuelan government do not approve many applications.
We can accept him and process all the papers, however it will be important to mention to him that if Cadivi is not accepted then he will be in obligation to pay the full amount prior his program starting date.
If he enters to the USA 15 days before then he can come to the school and pay us directly (the gross Invoice).
Please inform your student that in order to start his admission process and to issue the I-20 Form we have to receive from him:
1. Copy of the passport
2. Bank letter or statement with a minimum balance of $6000 (it can be in Bolivares)
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"Although the ELS program minimum age is 16, would you accept a student who will be 16 shortly after the course commences?"
Laura Galindo,
Open Hearts Language Academy staf
Yes we can.
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"Will the off-campus residence accept 16 year old students?"