ELS / Cleveland terletak di kampus Universitas Case Western Reserve, sebuah universitas swasta bergengsi yang berada di peringkat 50 besar universitas nasional oleh US News & World Report. Cleveland menggabungkan kecanggihan perkotaan dari kota modern dengan tradisi dan nilai-nilai Amerika. Orkestra Cleveland, Museum Seni Modern, Museum Sejarah Alam, dan Taman Botani semuanya berjarak kurang dari 8 menit berjalan kaki dari Center.
Tahun didirikan
Jumlah ruang kelas
Kegiatan sosial
Tes IELTS pusat
Akses kursi roda
Internet gratis
Internet nirkabel
Mempelajari daerah
Kegiatan olahraga
Kualifikasi guru
Native Inggris speakers
Guru dengan sertifikat mengajar Inggris
Guru dengan gelar sarjana
Kebangsaan dan campuran umur
Kebangsaan dan campuran umur di berbagai ELS Language Centers at Case Western Reserve University: Cleveland (OH) dalam kurun waktu berbeda, kursus dan tingkat. Sepanjang tahun, rata-rata usia adalah 23. Di musim panas, rata-rata umur adalah !age-Summer_age
Libur sekolah
ELS tidak mengadakan kelas pada hari libur tanggal di bawah ini.! Sekolah tidak memberikan kompensasi untuk liburan ini, jadi pastikan untuk memilih tanggal mulai sesuai.
Buka tanggal
sepanjang tahun
Libur sekolah
18 Apr 2025, 26 Mei 2025, 19 Jun 2025, 04 Jul 2025, 01 Sep 2025, 27 Nov 2025 - 28 Nov 2025, 24 Des 2025, 25 Des 2025
Lokasi sekolah
ELS/ Cleveland terletak di kampus Universitas Case Western Reserve, sebuah universitas swasta bergengsi yang secara konsisten masuk dalam peringkat 50 universitas nasional teratas oleh US News & World Report. Kami berlokasi di University Circle, distrik urban utama Cleveland, yang baru-baru ini dinobatkan sebagai salah satu tempat paling indah di AS oleh majalah Forbes. Tidak ada tempat di bumi yang dapat Anda temukan untuk konsentrasi yang sama dari pendidikan, perawatan kesehatan, seni, dan lembaga budaya yang terletak di satu lingkungan kota. Kombinasi arsitektur ultra-modern di samping rumah-rumah besar dari abad ke-19, semuanya terletak di lingkungan hijau yang seperti taman, memberikan area ini suasana yang sangat khas. Dan lingkungan Little Italy yang bersejarah, dengan banyak restoran, toko, dan galeri, serta dapat ditempuh dengan hanya berjalan kaki singkat.
Daya Tarik:
Distrik Gudang Cleveland (restoran, kafe, klub malam)
Museum, termasuk Rock & Roll Hall of Fame & Museum Seni Cleveland
Cedar Point, taman hiburan terbesar ketiga di AS dan taman rollercoaster nomor satu di dunia.
Distrik Teater, konsentrasi terbesar dari teater seni pertunjukan di AS
Transportasi Lokal:
Transportasi umum, seperti bus dan kereta api, di Cleveland yang bagus. Bus antar-jemput kampus gratis berhenti di depan pusat ELS dan di asrama. Seperti kebanyakan kota, layanan lebih terbatas pada malam hari dan akhir pekan.
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Gedung ELS Language Centers at Case Western Reserve University: Cleveland (OH)1/14
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City of Cleveland7/14
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Guru dan staf di ELS Language Centers at Case Western Reserve University: Cleveland (OH)9/14
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Apartments offered by ELS Language Centers at Case Western Reserve University: Cleveland (OH)11/14
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100% yang direkomendasikan
berdasar 9 ulasan
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4 bintang
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2 bintang
1 bintang
Mutu guru
Fasilitas sekolah
Aktivitas sosial
Lokasi sekolah
Tempat tinggal
Vy Hoang,
siswa dari Amerika Serikat
(Translated by Google Translate)
I was happy to attend ELS, I made many international friends and have great experience in English and American culture. All the classes are creative and have many fantastic topic to talk about.
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.
"A experience which helped me a lot"
Alexander Tabirta,
siswa dari Jerman
(Translated by Google Translate)
The ELS Language Center is a school which I would recommend to everyone who wants to improve his language. The classes are not too big, the teachers are doing a vey good job, and the amosphere in the school is good, so the requirements in order to improve your skills are given. The location of the school is next to the Case Western Reserve University, what means that even if you leave it and go around the place, you still will meet many different students there, which in my opinion is very cool. I did not like the amounts of test every student has to write during a session (In my opinion you are getting way too many grades during a small amount of time), and also I think the tuition and the costs for this school could be less, especially for students who do not get any financial aid to visit this school.
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.
"Excellent school with professional teachers and academic atmosphere"
Yulia Kvasova,
siswa dari Russia
(Translated by Google Translate)
It was a great experience for me studying English in ELS Language Centers at Case Western Reserve University.
There was a feeling that school really targeted for the students result in language improvement. Academic atmosphere promotes healthy competition between students.
Classes. I enjoyed all kinds of classes. In my case I had classes in structure and speaking practice, classes for self-preparation and separate classes discussion TED conference. Quiz are regularly carried out, which show how well I has grasped the work covered.
Teachers. I had two main teachers. Both teachers were great in presentation teaching material, were friendly and attentive to me. One of the teachers had internship in my University in Russia a few years ago. I was very pleased to hear about it.
Location. Location was good. Generally, I spent 30 min to commute school, because I was living in Downtown. It was not a problem, I used just one direct bus to the city centre.
Facilities. The school had all the necessary equipment, including smart boards, own textbooks.
Activities. Almost every day school provided some activities, even little food party (approximately once a week).
Housing. I didn't live in a Dorm, I lived in a hotel, because my husband had a conference in Cleveland and I went with him and took this course for 2 weeks.
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.
"It was an amazing adventure with English."
Joanna Szewczyk,
siswa dari Polandia
(Translated by Google Translate)
This school surprised me very positively. Everyone were very friendly and helpful! I was so glad that I chose this school in Cleveland. The teachers were really amazing, and my host family treated me so well and helped me during my first days in Cleveland. I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer.
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.
"It was great"
Tea Marović,
siswa dari Kroatia
(Translated by Google Translate)
Most of all I liked that I got a chance to meet people from all over the world. On the other hand, American people were really nice and kind to me during all time.
Teachers are professional and friendly. I liked location of the school, but it was too far from my residence. Further, in papers you sent to me, you are mentioning all the time the shuttle bus, but it wasn't existing. I was disappointed with housing because it was too dirty and in my opinion too expensive so I would not recommend it to anyone.
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.
"Very positive and productive"
Maria Colás Mina
(Translated by Google Translate)
Overall it was very good. Regarding the classes - I have to say that the first two were very good. I had a great teacher who also explained perfectly. We took the third class individually with the computer, and in my case that did not help me with practically anything. When groups work together, the school should consider other factors besides the level of English, such as age and the purpose of each student to study English. But as I have said, I am overall very happy. I cannot talk about the housing as I rented an apartment on my own. The downtown location was very good, very beautiful and had an accessible environment. I did not participate in the activities that were organized, but I understand that people were happy with them.
I would regard the teachers very positively in terms of teaching and dealing with students.
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.
"Very nice and important experience for me and my profession, I improved my knowledge, I met a lot of people, and I enjoyed studying there."
Tomislav Stepic,
siswa dari Kroatia
(Translated by Google Translate)
Classes reminded me of my elementary school, and that was very nice. Teachers were very open and friendly, and I liked to have informal conversations with them; that made me more comfortable and I think that is very important for each student. Location? Cleveland? Not really the place where I would move in the future ;) But, I have family friends from Croatia, where I am from, here, close to Cleveland, and this is the reason I chose ELS Cleveland. The ELS Center in Cleveland is hosted by the college campus (Case Western University), and this was very exciting for me, to see a real American college campus for real (not just in movies ;)). All together, very nice experience, and I would recommend it to everybody.
Asrama pelajar lebih cocok bagi seorang pelajar mandiri, yang mencari akomodasi yang bersih dengan haraga ekonomis. Seluruh pelajar harus berumur 18+ kecuali ada catatan lain. Tempat tinggal Anda mulai hari Minggu sehari sebelum kelas dimulai dan berakhir Sabtu sehari setelah kelas terakhir kecuali ada catatan lain. Asrama pelajar sering kali tidak menyertakan paket makan. Pelajari lebih lanjut seputar akomodasi asrama pelajar
Tempat tinggal siswa - Single-person room - Tanpa makanan
Rp 5477167
Students Residence - Single room - No meals
Kisaran umur: 18 tahun dan lebih
Lokasi: In the city center of Cleveland
Jenis tempat tinggal: Siswa tinggal (di luar kampus)
Jenis kamar: Single-person room
Rencana makanan: Tanpa makanan
Tersedianya: Januari - Desember
Hari kedatangan: Minggu, setelah 13:00
Hari keberangkatan: Sabtu, sebelum 01:00
Rp 5477167
(Translated by Google Translate)
In‐suite amenities include:
Single room with bed, dresser, desk and chair
Shared bathroom
Shared living room: sofa and television
Shared kitchen: stove, refrigerator, microwave, dishes, pots, pans and utensils
Accessories: towels, linens and bedspreads/comforter
All students will be assigned to their specific apartment residence closer to their starting dates, at which time updated Housing Confirmations will be provided.
Building amenities include:
Walking distance of Case Western Reserve University/world-renowned museums
Dukungan visa
Anda tidak dapat mengajukan permohonan visa sebagai seorang pelajar. Namun, pihak sekolah dapat memberi Anda seluruh dokumentasi yang Anda perlukan untuk mendukung permohonan visa Anda.
Bila Anda belajar full time di Amerika Serikat untuk jangka lebih dari 18 jam per minggu, Anda akan menerima I-20 yang harus Anda kirimkan ke Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat bersama aplikasi visa belajar F-1 Anda. I-20 memiliki nomor pelacakan SEVIS. Pelajar yang ingin memohon visa pelajar harus membayar biaya SEVIS secara online sebelum menuju ke Kedutaan Besar atau konsulat Amerika Serikat untuk wawancara.
I-20 Anda akan dikirim ke alamat rumah Anda melalui pos biasa tanpa dipungut biaya
Perlu diingat bahwa undang-undang Amerika Serikat menetapkan I-20 hanya dikeluarkan bagi pelajar yang berniat meraih pelajaran bahasa Ingggris penuh waktu atau full-time. Undang-undang Amerika Serikat tidak mengizinkan pelajar untuk belajar paruh waktu dengan visa pelajar F-1. Bila Anda belajar untuk jangka kurang dari 18 jam per minggu, Anda harus mengajukan sendiri visa tamu (B1/B2).
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Cleveland based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Asuransi perjalanan
Pelajar di luar negeri tanpa khawatir bersama Language International's health and personal effects insurance coverage.
11321 Juniper Rd, Stone Commons Cleveland Ohio 44106 USA
Lokasi sekolah
ELS/ Cleveland terletak di kampus Universitas Case Western Reserve, sebuah universitas swasta bergengsi yang secara konsisten masuk dalam peringkat 50 universitas nasional teratas oleh US News & World Report. Kami berlokasi di University Circle, distrik urban utama Cleveland, yang baru-baru ini dinobatkan sebagai salah satu tempat paling indah di AS oleh majalah Forbes. Tidak ada tempat di bumi yang dapat Anda temukan untuk konsentrasi yang sama dari pendidikan, perawatan kesehatan, seni, dan lembaga budaya yang terletak di satu lingkungan kota. Kombinasi arsitektur ultra-modern di samping rumah-rumah besar dari abad ke-19, semuanya terletak di lingkungan hijau yang seperti taman, memberikan area ini suasana yang sangat khas. Dan lingkungan Little Italy yang bersejarah, dengan banyak restoran, toko, dan galeri, serta dapat ditempuh dengan hanya berjalan kaki singkat.
Daya Tarik:
Distrik Gudang Cleveland (restoran, kafe, klub malam)
Museum, termasuk Rock & Roll Hall of Fame & Museum Seni Cleveland
Cedar Point, taman hiburan terbesar ketiga di AS dan taman rollercoaster nomor satu di dunia.
Distrik Teater, konsentrasi terbesar dari teater seni pertunjukan di AS
Transportasi Lokal:
Transportasi umum, seperti bus dan kereta api, di Cleveland yang bagus. Bus antar-jemput kampus gratis berhenti di depan pusat ELS dan di asrama. Seperti kebanyakan kota, layanan lebih terbatas pada malam hari dan akhir pekan.
Tanya & jawab
Ada pertanyaan Dapatkan jawaban dari penasihat siswa kami, ELS Language Centers at Case Western Reserve University: Cleveland (OH) staf dan siswa sebelumnya.
"Can you make an exception for a student wishing to start the course half-way through?"
Oliver Rizzo,
ELS Language Centers school representative (Student Services Coordinator Housing & Airport Pickup A Centers)
The center are happy to make the exception.
However, they want the student to be FULLY informed about the following..
#1. She will be entering a session that is halfway through.
#2. She will be 2 weeks behind the other students.
#3. She will not be able to pass the ELS level.
#4. Since she is missing the first day of placement testing, ELS will not be able to guarantee her the language level she needs if the class is already full. If the class is already full, ELS would need to place her in the next closest language level that is currently available.
If she understands these things and wants to study, the center will make an exception. We just want to make sure that she fully understands the repercussions of starting late.
Apakah ini membantu? YaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Can a prospective student from Saudi Arabia transfer their F1 student visa?"
Oliver Rizzo,
ELS Language Centers school representative (Student Services Coordinator Housing & Airport Pickup A Centers)
Yes. For all transfers, we need an official Financial Guarantee Letter with ELS letter showing approved study dates, name and address of the center.
Apakah ini membantu? YaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Can you advise on the process for a student who is currently on an F1 visa and wishes to studyt for at least one year. How would they apply from within the US?"
Oliver Rizzo,
ELS Language Centers school representative (Student Services Coordinator Housing & Airport Pickup A Centers)
The change of visa status is actually handled directly by the ELS center (not by our Admissions).
Here is what would happen…
You would need to send me all of the documents required for a normal enrollment. Signed ELS application, financial certification, passport copy, etc… I’m assuming your agency would collect all initial fee as usual.
I would enroll the student and send the Welcome Package with the I-20 to the ELS Cleveland center (after LI confirms for us to send the documents). The center could then help the student apply for the change of status.
*A student is not legally permitted to study while the status change request is still pending. This can sometimes take up to 6 months for the government to approve or deny the change of status request. Assuming that the request is approved, the ELS center could then update the student’s I-20 and enrollment start date after the change is approved.
There are no additional fees from ELS for the change of status.