Beberapa homestay hati-hati memilih dan menawarkan kepada pelajar kesempatan untuk mempelajari labih banyak tentang budaya lokal dalam suasana yang nyaman saat belajar bahasa di Killarney. Rumah-rumah ini berjarak antara 7 - 25 menit dari sekolah dengan transportasi umum. Keluarga biasanya menawarkan paket makan yang terjangkau yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mencicipi masakan lokal. Jika Anda memiliki permintaan khusus atau diet (karena alasan agama atau kesehatan), beritahukan kami terlebih dahulu. Tempat tinggal Anda mulai hari Minggu sehari sebelum kelas dimulai dan berakhir Sabtu sehari setelah kelas terakhir kecuali ada catatan lain. Pelajari lebih lanjut seputar homestay
Dimungkinkan untuk tinggal di apartemen sewaan selama Anda belajar !in Killarney, namun ini cenderung lebih mahal. EGA menyediakan beberapa bantuan persewaan apartemen atau Anda dapat menyewa sendiri sebuah apartemen. Pelajari lebih lanjut seputar apartmen
EGA menyediakan bantuan pemesanan hotel atau hostel atau Anda dapat memesannya sendiri. Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang asrama
Semua sekolah Internasional EGA terletak di area kota. EGA International menggunakan pusat kelas sentral yang berbeda karena semua siswa dibagi berdasarkan usia dan tingkatan. Kantor pusat utama kami terletak di pusat kota Killarney di College Square. Sekolah Pusat kami hanya berjarak 3 menit dari stasiun kereta dan bus lokal. Bandara Kerry dan Bandara Internasional Cork keduanya melayani kota kami.
Killarney terkenal di dunia karena keramahannya dan keindahan alam di sekitarnya, dengan kehidupan sosial yang tak terlupakan.
Ada pertanyaan Dapatkan jawaban dari penasihat siswa kami, EGA International staf dan siswa sebelumnya.
Ajukan pertanyaanI’m afraid we do not have evening classes, morning and afternoon only.
Yes, we have evening class available from 7.p.m. Monday to Thursday. Private 1-1 is also available at any time.
We have tried hard for you, but unfortunately, we will not have Junior group class available at this time. We can offer your young client 1-1 Private Lesson but without afternoon activities.
Our adult school at Macros, Killarney is full . This happens every year, so we have created extra adult classes 5 minutes’ drive away at our school in Lisivigeen, Killarney. All transport is provided between our two schools.
Is the accommodation in Killarney town centre or does the teacher have to travel there by his/her private car ? ( Killarney town does not have a public transport system). Is the class to be in a bedroom ? this is not a good atmosphere for a class, you will agree . From a teachers point of view, an actual class room is a better learning environment, Of course the teacher has resource material, photocopier, in-house facilities at the language centre you will agree ?
We can register the child for the Camp closer to the dates of arrival... E.g.. at the end of June - if we have the following details -
1. Name of Child
2. Date of Birth
3. Parents name
4. Medical or Diet observations/comments if applicable.
5.Parents contact number -
The adult single mother can take Adult General English class – morning hours. The most suitable option would be Host Family accommodation – booking 2 rooms with unsuited bathroom. Plus the usual Registration fee and any transfers requested. The child of 5 years may attend Monday to Friday morning at local summer Activity camp – to 12.00.noon approx. (times to be confirm when full details published) The child of 3 years is NOT accepted by local summer activity camp – underage unfortunately. EGA International does not accept into class groups - children who cannot yet write. I would recommend a Host family in this instance, a local young couple perhaps who also have a young family and where the children can interact through play and family toys and activity.