Global ESL Academy
254 W 29th Street - 4th Floor, New York City, New York NY 10001, USA
Global ESL Academy
Mendengarkan, berbicara, pengucapan, membaca, menulis, kosa kata, tatabahasa dan kegiatan
You can choose from the following class times:
Jadwal kelas kemungkinan berubah tergantung keberadaan dan musim.
The Intensive Academic Program is an 18-hour per week program designed to help students build confidence and achieve fluency and accuracy in English in preparation for further study in undergraduate and graduate level programs in English or for professional use in the United States or abroad.
The Intensive Academic Program offers instruction in all skills in the form of two different integrated skills classes: Writing & Reading and Grammar & Oral Skills
Rata-rata | 20 siswa |
Maksimum | 16 siswa |
Kisaran umur | 18 tahun dan lebih |
Rata-rata | 29 umur tahun (21 in the summer) |
Misi Global English Academy adalah untuk memberikan pengajaran bahasa Inggris yang berkualitas kepada penutur bahasa asing dan membantu mereka belajar tentang dan menjadi lebih nyaman dengan budaya dan kebiasaan Amerika. Global English Academy berupaya untuk membantu siswa mencapai tujuan mereka dalam melanjutkan pendidikan mereka baik di sini maupun di luar negeri, memajukan karir mereka di era global ini, dan merasa lebih nyaman tinggal dan bekerja di Amerika Serikat.
Sebagai sekolah ESL swasta kecil, kami dapat menggabungkan kualitas terbaik dari program Universitas besar berbasis ESL dan sekolah ESL swasta lainnya. Semua guru kami memiliki gelar Master dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Penutur Bahasa Lain (TESOL) atau dalam bidang terkait lainnya dan pengalaman mengajar bertahun-tahun, yang memungkinkan kami untuk menyediakan persiapan akademik berkualitas tinggi dalam bahasa Inggris. Keuntungan dari pengaturan sekolah kecil kami adalah bahwa kami dapat memberikan lebih banyak perhatian dan dukungan pribadi kepada siswa kami. Lokasi sekolah kami di Flushing, Queens di Kota New York menawarkan lingkungan yang nyaman, beragam, dan multikultural untuk belajar.
Global ESL Academy disertifikasi oleh Departemen Pendidikan Negara Bagian New York dan diakreditasi oleh Komisi Akreditasi Program Bahasa Inggris untuk periode Juni 2013 hingga Agustus 2018.
GEA has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in Amerika Serikat. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
Kebangsaan dan campuran umur di berbagai Global ESL Academy dalam kurun waktu berbeda, kursus dan tingkat. Sepanjang tahun, rata-rata usia adalah 29. Di musim panas, rata-rata umur adalah !age-Summer_age
GEA mengajarkan siswa dari seluruh dunia, termasuk:
GEA tidak mengadakan kelas pada hari libur tanggal di bawah ini.! Sekolah tidak memberikan kompensasi untuk liburan ini, jadi pastikan untuk memilih tanggal mulai sesuai.
Global ESL Academy terletak di pusat Flushing, Queens di Kota New York. Kota New York adalah salah satu kota paling internasional dan menarik di dunia dan Queens adalah daerah paling beragam di Kota New York, dengan orang-orang yang berasal dari 100 negara berbeda yang tinggal di sini. Ini adalah area yang penuh dengan siswa internasional dan tempat yang bagus untuk tinggal dan belajar. Biaya hidupnya lebih rendah daripada di Manhattan, dan Flushing hanya setengah jam perjalanan dengan kereta bawah tanah ke Times Square dan Midtown Manhattan. Global English Academy terletak di sebuah bangunan modern di jalan yang indah dan tenang, tepat di sebelah taman dan di sebelah rumah tertua di wilayah Queens. Namun hanya berjarak lima menit berjalan kaki, Anda akan menemukan Main Street, salah satu jalan perbelanjaan tersibuk di Queens.
I liked the classes, there were just enough students to make the courses interesting. The teacher was great!! Regarding the location, it was OK, not too far from where I lived. Concerning the facilities, I think students should find computers and printers to use. We had a workshop at the Tenement museum that I liked so much!
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I am a French student and live in Paris.
I did a 3.5 month internship at this school and studied in the morning during the summer of 2012 .
It has a medium structure but is well organized starting with the administration for visas and student information; the staff help students and advise nicely. I enjoyed the administration; they are friendly.
You are in a small group and the professors have good experience in teaching. They come from nice universities.
They use good methodology in teaching. Also, they are available by phone or mail if you have questions or if you need help you can contact them or talk with them outside of classes.
This school offers different activities such as tours, events, soccer games and baseball games. The area is nice; you can find the stadium of the NY Mets and tennis games for the US open.
The housing in Queens is very cheap compared to Manhattan. The WYMCA is close to the school. Many forms of transportation are available, like the number 7 subway, bus and other trains.
This school has partnerships with some colleges and universities, so if you wish to study in NYC, you can study while studying English.
The school is really good in every aspect, with excellent certified teachers and supporting staff and the prices are very good, too.
Besides, you will be living in New York which is an amazing city.
The size of the classes are small, about 5 people, so you can talk a lot and learn faster than in bigger classes offered by other schools.
This school also has a TOEFL course, which I took, and I got an excellent score.
I also studied at another school in downtown New York, at a well-known university, and I can tell that Global ESL is way better. So don't think too much about the names of the schools but what people actually say about the schools.
If you really want to learn, I truly recommend this school.
GEA is the best English school in the NYC area. After taking two classes at GEA, I was accepted by a well known college.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...The experience was amazing. It certainly helped me to learn english, improve my pronunciation and my listening. The classes were great. Both of my teachers, Rita and Sarah were able to teach all of us by using activities that allow us to communicate and speak with each other, what meant the lessons were funny and I really enjoyed them. Being able to know people from all around the world was awesome. I made friends that live in places so far away from my country, and the school gave me the opportunity to know them. I could also enjoy the tours. It was good to visit places I was not able to visit on my own. The tours were relaxed, we could have fun and learn more about different areas in New York. The school was far away from the place I was living in, but in my case that was in advantage as it allow me to move on my own in a way I felt really free. Everyone at the school was respectful and warm, and made me feel relaxed and welcomed. It was an amazing experience, better that what had imagined!
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...The classes were small (5-10), so it encouraged group work and oral participation.
Teachers were also really friendly and open minded.
The activities we have done in class were sometimes demanding (Of course we have to work sometimes!), but sometimes very relaxing and funny (playing kind of games, linked to what we learned previously). Some sightseeing tours were also available with the school.
The school itself is well located, not too far from the subway and with supermarkets around. The GEA facility is small, but big enough for the 10-30 students inside.
My housing was OK and my host very nice.
There is nothing I really disliked, so my overall experience at GEA was really great, and I would surely recommend this school.
Anda tidak dapat mengajukan permohonan visa sebagai seorang pelajar. Namun, pihak sekolah dapat memberi Anda seluruh dokumentasi yang Anda perlukan untuk mendukung permohonan visa Anda.
Bila Anda belajar full time di Amerika Serikat untuk jangka lebih dari 18 jam per minggu, Anda akan menerima I-20 yang harus Anda kirimkan ke Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat bersama aplikasi visa belajar F-1 Anda. I-20 memiliki nomor pelacakan SEVIS. Pelajar yang ingin memohon visa pelajar harus membayar biaya SEVIS secara online sebelum menuju ke Kedutaan Besar atau konsulat Amerika Serikat untuk wawancara.
I-20 Anda akan dikirim ke alamat rumah Anda melalui pos biasa tanpa dipungut biaya. Bila Anda ingin menerima dokumen Anda melalui pos kilat, Anda akan dikenai $100 pada saat Anda mendaftar.
Perlu diingat bahwa undang-undang Amerika Serikat menetapkan I-20 hanya dikeluarkan bagi pelajar yang berniat meraih pelajaran bahasa Ingggris penuh waktu atau full-time. Undang-undang Amerika Serikat tidak mengizinkan pelajar untuk belajar paruh waktu dengan visa pelajar F-1. Bila Anda belajar untuk jangka kurang dari 18 jam per minggu, Anda harus mengajukan sendiri visa tamu (B1/B2).
Pelajari lebih jauh mengenai bagaimana memperoleh visa belajar Amerika Serikat »
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to New York based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Pelajar di luar negeri tanpa khawatir bersama Language International's health and personal effects insurance coverage.
Ada pertanyaan Dapatkan jawaban dari penasihat siswa kami, Global ESL Academy staf dan siswa sebelumnya.
Ajukan pertanyaan
If the student would like to come for the month of January, he can take the 3-week Mini-Intensive Program and possibly add on the first week of the
Intensive Program to make up a 4-week course.
Global ESL Academy