HSK 1 on 1 Chinese Exam Prep

TutorABC International Limited


Topik-topik kursus

Mendengarkan, berbicara, pengucapan, membaca, menulis, kosa kata dan tatabahasa

Jadwal kelas

Lama kursus
1-52 minggu
Tanggal mulai
Setiap Senin
Kelas per minggu
1 lesson per week (setiap pelajaran berakhir 45 menit)
Hari kelas
Senin - Jumat

Jadwal kelas kemungkinan berubah tergantung keberadaan dan musim.

Deskripsi kursus

When it comes to HSK exam preparation, TutorABC is your ultimate guide. Our dedicated HSK exam preparation course, guided by certified teachers, is meticulously crafted to align with the latest exam structure. With clear learning goals in mind, our program empowers you to master each level of the HSK exam. 100% online, offering the flexibility you need to excel. At TutorABC Chinese, we're not just preparing you for a test; we're shaping your future success. Choose us as your HSK success partner and embark on a journey of achievement.

- Uses advanced AI Matching Technology to create a customized plan for exam preparation.
- Comprehensive coverage of vocabulary, grammar, speaking, reading, listening, and writing skills.
- Lots of exam study tips, strategies, guidance, and full of practice exam questions and mock tests.

Tingkatan kelas

Seluruh tingkat, pemula hingga tingkat lanjut

Ukuran kelas

Rata-rata 1 siswa
Maksimum 1 siswa

Umur siswa

Kisaran umur 3 tahun dan lebih


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