Language Studies International (LSI): New York
40 Rector Street, 10th Floor, Suite 1000, New York, NY 10006, USA
Language Studies International (LSI): New York
Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa internasional dalam bisnis. Karena itu, kami telah mengembangkan sebuah kursus dengan 12 modul khusus yang spesial dan fleksibel, yang dirancang untuk secara cepat meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi bisnis Anda. Setiap 12 minggu, kami mendaur ulang modul tersebut dengan silabus yang baru. Ini berarti siswa yang ingin belajar lebih lama, atau ingin memperkuat dan memperluas pengetahuan mereka tentang bidang tertentu, dapat melakukannya tanpa mengulangi bahan materi apa pun.
Kursus "Bahasa Inggris untuk Bisnis" terdiri dari 6 pelajaran per hari. Empat pelajaran pertama (Pelajaran 1 - 4) sama dengan pelajaran dalam kursus “General 20” kami. Selama 4 pelajaran ini, Anda akan dengan cepat meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi Anda dalam berbagai situasi sehari-hari. Dalam 2 dari 4 pelajaran ini, Anda akan membahas bidang-bidang berikut: tata bahasa, kosa kata, dan pengucapan. Dalam 2 dari 4 pelajaran selanjutnya, Anda akan berkonsentrasi pada: berbicara, mendengarkan, membaca, dan menulis. Anda akan menggunakan buku teks dengan berbagai macam bahan materi dan latihan termasuk permainan peran, bahan materi autentik, koran, dan majalah.
Setelah 4 pelajaran pertama, yaitu pelajaran 5-6, Anda dapat mengambil berbagai kursus elektif untuk secara cepat meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi bisnis Anda. Dalam setiap modul, melalui kombinasi dari latihan tertulis, presentasi, dialog, dan permainan peran dalam situasi bisnis yang realistis, Anda akan berlatih dan meningkatkan keterampilan Anda dalam: kosakata bisnis dan "kata-kata kunci", daring, memo dan penulisan surat, negosiasi, wawancara, serta menelepon dalam bahasa Inggris.
Modul 1: Perdagangan Internasional
Modul 2: Mengembangkan Keterampilan dalam Kepemimpinan & Membangun Tim
Modul 3: Komunikasi Efektif dalam Presentasi
Modul 4: Pengambilan Keputusan, Motivasi & Delegasi, Komunikasi Efektif dalam Pertemuan
Modul 5: Pemasaran & Periklanan
Modul 6: Perdagangan Elektronik, Pemasaran Viral, & Media Sosial
Modul 7: Perbankan, Pasar Saham, Merger, & Akuisisi
Modul 8: Membangun Hubungan & Jaringan
Modul 9: Wawancara Perekrutan
Modul 10: Hukum Bisnis, Etika, & Masalah Lingkungan
Modul 11: Komunikasi Efektif dalam Penjualan & Negosiasi
Modul 12: Gaya Manajemen di Perusahaan Internasional
Modul khusus dapat disediakan berdasarkan permintaan.
Fitur kursus:
30 pelajaran per minggu
1 pelajaran: 50 menit
Jumlah jam pelajaran per minggu: 25 jam
Maksimum 15 siswa per kelas
Durasi program: 1-23 minggu
Setiap modul bersifat terpisah dan berlangsung selama satu minggu
Dapat menjadi bagian dari program ISY
Siswa dapat bergabung setiap hari Senin
Tingkat Menengah hingga Mahir
Usia siswa: 16+
Mendengarkan, berbicara, pengucapan, membaca, menulis, kosa kata dan tatabahasa
LSI New York tidak menyelenggarakan kelas pada tanggal-tanggal libur diatas. Sekolah tidak mengganti untuk liburan ini, jadi pastikan untuk menyesuaikan tanggal untuk mulai.
Jadwal kelas kemungkinan berubah tergantung keberadaan dan musim.
Rata-rata | 12 siswa |
Maksimum | 16 siswa |
Kisaran umur | 16 - Umur 74 tahun |
Rata-rata | 24 umur tahun (22 in the summer) |
Bahasa studi internasional (LSI) didasarkan pada kampus Manhattan dari Metropolitan College of New York (MCNY) di Soho, di jantung kota. Toko-toko mewah dan Galeri Soho, jalan yang tenang di Barat desa, dan keramaian Canal Street semuanya berada dalam jarak berjalan kaki dari LSI dan menarik orang dari seluruh dunia. Ruang kelas yang luas dan nyaman, banyak menawarkan pemandangan Manhattan dan lingkungan sekitarnya.
Fasilitas termasuk sebuah perpustakaan, lounge, dan dua laboratorium komputer dengan lebih dari 40 komputer yang menawarkan akses internet gratis. LSI New York menyelenggarakan kegiatan sosial selama seminggu, banyak di antaranya gratis atau dengan biaya rendah, dan termasuk perjalanan ke teater, bioskop, musik, konser, Museum, galeri seni, olahraga, peristiwa dan piknik. LSI juga bekerja dengan sebuah perusahaan wisata yang mengkhususkan diri dalam pekan wisata termasuk tujuan seperti Boston, Washington DC, Toronto Niagara Falls dan Philadelphia.
Umum grup Inggris kursus disusun dengan hati-hati untuk membantu siswa mengembangkan komunikasi yang efektif keterampilan. Kursus dirancang bagi mereka yang ingin belajar bahasa baru atau mengembangkan keterampilan mereka untuk alasan pribadi, pendidikan, atau profesional.
Kebangsaan dan campuran umur di berbagai Language Studies International (LSI): New York dalam kurun waktu berbeda, kursus dan tingkat. Sepanjang tahun, rata-rata usia adalah 24. Di musim panas, rata-rata umur adalah !age-Summer_age
LSI New York mengajarkan siswa dari seluruh dunia, termasuk:
LSI New York tidak mengadakan kelas pada hari libur tanggal di bawah ini.! Sekolah tidak memberikan kompensasi untuk liburan ini, jadi pastikan untuk memilih tanggal mulai sesuai.
Terletak di sebuah bangunan dengan Arsitektur Kebangkitan Renaisans yang baru saja direnovasi dan dirancang oleh para arsitek yang menciptakan Terminal Grand Central, LSI New York berada di pusat Distrik Keuangan yang bersejarah, hanya beberapa blok dari Wall Street, Bursa Efek New York, Memorial Nasional 11 September, dan Pusat Perdagangan One World.
Teaching was excellent! I liked it a lot. The environment in class rooms was relaxed and encouraging for all students. The location of the school was great. My housing was also wonderful and the family so lovely!
I would like to have more activities with the other students in the evenings.
And sometimes there were quite a lot of students in the same class.
I learned a lot of stuff I didn't know about English, and I really enjoyed the teacher I had, I think that he explains everything very good. I also enjoyed the way the classes worked, It's very different from the European schools.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...intensive teaching, smalle classes, good teacher who telle us when we made mistakes. Nice classrooms. Nice location.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...It was ok, I am a bit disappointed with the accommodation that it was so far away from the school and in an unsafe neighborhood. As well as the breakfast was some toast and orange juice in the fridge, which was a shame. The school also didn't really organize any events or a weekend program.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...Friendly staff & teacher
Dont like the chairs in the clasrooms, small space
Despite smaller issues at the very beginning concerning the scheduled classes, my overall experience was very good. The assigned teacher was prepared, engaged and I feel I made progress in my comprehension adn conversation skills.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I`m overall very satisfied for my stay in New York at LSI. From day one i felt a worm welcome and a good atmosphere. The facilities was very nice and the location sentral with good conetctions by subway. I had two great teachers in Michael and Martin. . There was a good balance between exercises, speaking and homework, and there is no doubt that i improved my english skills.
I just had a week to improve my skills on public speaking, so it was a short period. In spite of this, it was a very good experience. Cory is a very good teacher, and the location and facilities were adequate and nice.
Some aspects that prevent me not to say it was an excellent experience are:
1. In the first day, on Monday, I went to LSI in the morning, so the emails I've received before seems to ask me to do so. There, people told me it was not necessary, as my classes were in the afternoon. They were gentle inviting me to have a grammar class during that period, though. Maybe the information received before should be more clear about this topic.
2. I had the impression that some of my classmates had an English bellow my level. Sometimes, this situation made me feel like I was not in the right class.
Classes: interesting and inspiring
teachers: very well prepared and available to explain you 100 times everything
location: very easy to get to the school
facilities: there is an accessible kitchen with plats, cups, fridge, microwave. Very useful in this expensive city!
activities: they organise happy hours and cultural trips (library, museum etc).
This is a really good language school, not only that the environment is nice and clean with a great view but also the instructors are professional and easygoing. All staff in the school is very nice and helpful. I would definitely recommend the school to everyone that is looking to study aboard.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I really liked this experience. I improved my language skills a lot. Teachers were really awesome, and their method was brilliant, I was really interested at class every day.
The school has also offered the opportunity to do some extra activities outside the school, I appreciated it because they gave the opportunity to discover new places and to know better classmates and teachers.
The school location was very good, it was really easy to come here for me.
I have experienced 10 x one2one lessons.
It has been such a great experience. From my first contact, I have had the feeling of competence, professionalism and kindness. I have been good taken care of during the entire period; I received all important information before I started, I had a warm welcoming on my first day and excellent dialogues during my lessons.
Even before my start, I got a greeting from my teacher who was preparing my first day. I was really impressed!
I give all my best recommendations.
Comfortable facilities, good teachers, classmates of different nationalities and a very good location.
What I don't like is that there are disagreements and sometimes they put the classes together when there was no teacher (Due to the pandemic)
My teacher was nice, I also liked the location and the facilities. Same for the activities, we went to the museum so it wasn't only classes. The housing was well because of the sport facilities but it wasn't a place where you can really meet other people unfortunately.
I also liked the fact that there were many different nationalities represented in the school (or at least a few that I'm not used to meet often).
I really loved the school. I think it was one of the best experiences in my life. Michael was one of the best teachers I ever had and the people that I got to know are friends now. One of the things that I loved about the school it’s how you can get to meet people of different countries and this really opened my mind for how I want to live my life for now on. Unfortunately it happened this situation with the corona virus and it had to end sooner than I expected, I was planning to extend my program
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I was agreed with the housing, location of LSI, and Cindy as a Teacher in Grammar.
But in the afternoon the classes didn't be as I was expecting. They were thrown money. They were a social class. I didn't like it.
The Institute has a very good location. Barbara Williams, my host, was amazing, very kind.
I couldn't prepare the TOEFL. I've only had a review about my knowledges.
The best time to stay at LSI must be more than 4 weeks. This time isn`t enough if you are waiting to improve the language.
This thing you must advice.
It was a great experience and I learnt a lot. The teachers are really good. They are always patient and generous, and encourage students to do their best with English. The atmosphere is marvelous! So international! People from lots of different countries in a friendly, respectful environment. I really enjoyed my time there, made friends and improved my English a lot.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...My teacher Ian was so knowledgeable about foreign cultures especially Japan and Korea, so it was easy to do casual conversation with him. He always prepared very interesting articles and videos for my lesson, and at the same time he always follow up my vulnerable point of my English skill, such as pronunciation, lack of a/an, etc.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...The building’s location was very good and it was nice because there is lots of thing to see near the building. The teachers was very nice and motivating. He was always smiling and nice. The location was also good because it was no far from the subway so it was easy to get there. The only problem that I had, was that my schoolmates had a lower level in English so I didn’t progress much. This was a bit disappointing for me. At least, I met very nice people at the school.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...My personal experience was very good. The facilities, location, access and services were excellent.
I am very happy to choose this course do to the content, the activities, the teacher and all the people of the Institute.
I would like to thanks all the people of the Institute!
During the classes I have learned the corrected pronunciation of some words.
It was very pleasant to study with people of different countries.
The building location is nice and also the structure, close to the subway station
I also have improved my listening
The classes are very nice and the didactic of teacher left the lessons even more interesting. The employees are gentle and friendly. The school is located on the 10th floor of a historic buidling near to my subway station. The school is clean, sunny, airy and spacious, with views of the Hudson River from the windows. The computer room offers free Internet and Wi-Fi. The student lounge is relaxing and the
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I enrolled in a three-week course in New York. The course was good The teachers passed the material in an interesting and clear manner. Apart from learning English, the school offered a variety of activities.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I really enjoyed this experience.
I have to admit that I was a little reticent, because I did not know much of the language. But with the passing of classes, I began to feel more secure about it.
The teachers are very attentive, they know how to teach in a very fun way and that invites you to learn and to participate in the classes.
Although I found the grammar activities a bit repetitive, I liked the oral exercises and especially the excursion to the museum (met).
In short, I enjoyed the course and if possible I would like to repeat the experience.
I spent two weeks at LSI New York with One to One intensive course. School's location in Lower Manhattan is near to restaurants, public transports and café.
The school has been recently renewed; any class is equipped with multimedia resources for a learning experience at 360 degrees.
Quality of teaching is excellent, and organisation is very flexible to fit the need of students.
it was a good course for me that had improve my knowledge. I get to know about the tofel more and more, and the way my instructor taught me, made it very easy for me to know what to expect while am taking the exam. Overall, it was an experience that I really appreciate.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...My experience for 2 weeks in the class at LSI NY was fantastic. Especially Daniel's lesson was a lot of fun. Afternoon activity was also nice. It was showed me around Manhattan in afternoon activity. I am satisfied with learning languages and sightseeing at the same time.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I really liked the speaking class with the teacher and the location of the school as well!
My experience with the first host family wasn't what I expected but I'm thankful that Jill helped me look for another one quickly!
Being able to meet other people coming from all over the world and to discuss in English with them was particularly enjoyable.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...The school itself is not so bad. It was very well equipped and modern. The professor was great as well. However, the main problem was at the level of orientation. The school accepted my request for a general English course for the afternoon class in level C1. However, when I got there, and after a placement test, they proposed me to join the business class. Although that I did not want business, I accepted according to their advice.The problem was that the class was not a C1 class. It was a mix of level of B1 and B2. So, for me it was not really useful. I was supposed to stay for two weeks, but after the first week, I thought that it is not a good idea to continue, especially that the fees were quite expensive.
And here's a question I would like to ask the school: Why did you accept a student who wanted a C1 General English course knowing that you do not have an appropriate class in the afternoon as he requested?
I only took a week intensive course, but it was a great experience to refresh my English and to learn lively American Business expressions, phrases, slangs. Very useful for real life situation. The teacher was very patient to listen to all students and to answer their questions.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I really liked the classes and the subjects. Teacher Michael was great; he is intelligent and fun. The location is perfect; the subway stopped in front of the school.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I liked the teachers; they were natives from USA and this was so good to improve my listening and comprehension. The location was perfect! I had good accessibility for public transportation. The facilities were okay too! I would have liked it more if I could buy my lunch at the school. It could be cheaper and better for the students in the afternoon class, because sometimes I saw that they didn’t have much time to take lunch.
I think the activities were good too. Probably one good idea is if we could do the activities that we liked – for example, every Friday we could watch a movie, or every week we read a book together, or listened the music. In this way, we could improve our language. Another idea for example is to go to a restaurant together because the first time for us is difficult; sometimes we don’t know how we can order, or what is being asked of us. Maybe in class, it would be better if we could practice some real life situations or things we really needed to know like going to the bank, a restaurant, the market, the laundry place, the subway, and others.
I stayed with my aunt, so I don’t have any opinions about accommodation.
There was nothing I did not like during my studies. I liked everything: the school facilities, the ways and methods of conducting all our classes, the teachers, and the business. I also liked the warm atmosphere that teachers could create in the classroom among students from different countries. Our classes covered pronunciation, grammar, fluency practice and Business English.
Everything is unforgettable for me! Thank you very much!
They had nice teachers and students, and were well-organized. The advanced level was a little bit too "easy" for me. (I was used to Engish books at the university). But if you only want to brush up and start talking in English again, LSI is the perfect choice for you. I was only in NY for a week.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...For two weeks, I learned English in a very good atmosphere. The teachers were very thoughtful. I really appreciated everything.
The courses could be more personalized though.
I had no problems. However, the school is a bit too expensive compared to other schools.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I was only there for a week. Nevertheless I really liked the facilities of the school and the teacher. I'm not sure if it is truly recommendable for a short course since there is progress to be achieved and within a week it's not really possible. However, this is a matter of the student's time, not the school.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I had one-to-one classes in one week, with a really good teacher. Everything was perfect.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...The classes, teachers, location, facilities, activities, and housing were all good
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...The outcome of the study depends on the teachers who teach you. One of my teachers was excellent. All teachers tried to do their best and had different styles but not all classes were intensive for me.
The location is great. The facilities are very good, the school is well equipped.
All teachers and administrative staff are friendly, helpful and attentive.
The location and facilities are very good. The classes are interesting. I have had classes with three teachers, two were very good and the third was regular. I would have liked to receive more practice and homework.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...The students, as well as teachers, were great and wonderful at the school. Unfortunately, periods of participation for me were few and inadequate.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I really liked the location. The students there are very kind people and I had a lot of fun. I attended the TOEFL class and an upper intermediate class. The teachers were really kind, but the quality of teaching in upper intermediate class was not very good.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...The teacher was interesting and I liked the way he taught us English.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...My experience at Metropolitan College was good, but it depends on the teacher that you have.
My teacher during the afternoon classes, and since the second week of my course of my morning classes, was a very good and professional teacher. Her name is Hanna.
I stayed in the advanced level class for three weeks. I also had afternoon lessons three times a week. I had applied for the 55+ group, but that included no one else so the school organized for me to meet with a very nice teacher. We had lunch together and took excursions to places that interested both of us. We also took a trip to Liberty and Ellis Islands with the class. The teachers that I met were skilled, nice and made the lessons interesting, picking up news from today's newspapers that we could discuss and learn words and expressions from. We also had some grammar, we wrote short articles on different subject and did interviews with each other. It was interesting to meet young people from all around the world. We all could use computers and, if we needed, there were also printers attached to them.
Within a short walking distance, it was easy to find good restaurants and shopping areas.
I had some great times during my course at LSI. The building was really modern and comfortable. The teacher (Hanna) was awesome with us and the class, too. Without that teacher the experience wouldn't have been the same. I'm really happy with my course at LSI and would like to go again in the future.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...My experience in your college has been very educational. This is due not only to the beautiful property that you own and perfect organization of your staff, but also to preparation of your professors, who, even with alternative lessons have been able to teach me something. Also, I always felt up to the task in the classroom, thanks to the kindness of classmates.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...The very best is a personal approach. Location, teachers, activities are aspects selected personally for you or your kids.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I really liked the teachers and my classmates. The afternoon walking session with teachers is a great idea, and I had a lot of fun,
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I had a wonderful time at LSI. The teacher was so nice, had really good lessons, and could really connect with us students in a perfect way, from age 20 to almost 60 year old students.
I stayed only 1 week at the school, and I would have loved to stay some more weekend.
I stayed at a hotel with my sister, daughter, and husband, and didn't join any activities.
The school, the location, and the teacher were great. If I could repeat it, I would do it immediately.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I spent 1 month at LSI, since I was looking for some English classes combined with TOEFL preparation classes. I really enjoyed the quality of the teachers and their ability to motivate students. I definitively recommend it to anyone interested in learning English!
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...It was a great experience for me in LSI NYK. I met people from different continents and cultures, especially in terms of developed and undeveloped countries. The teacher's method was wonderful. A great souvenir for me is to be able to open a bank account with my B1/B2 visa with the help of LSI coordinator. I will never forget it. Alex MM DRC/Africa
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I was only for two weeks at LSI, but I had a great time. nice teacher and I found friends. !! top.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...Everything was fine.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I like school, teachers and lessons in a friendly atmosphere. It's very important that all teachers are native americans but not people who knows english language as a foreign. Variety of courses are also a good option. I recommended LSI for my friend and he will come to US in March.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I really like LSI education and had a very good experience in my life! I recommend this school to my friend and she wants to go in US this spring
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...Teacher was so really good, she could help us to hone our abilities, the way to teach was so active and dynamic, my main lapses was grammar skill using right tenses .. I could improve this, it'll be better ...
about my houseguest, Ms Defeo was so nice ..but it was far from school, I was here for works too ( I'm restaurant chef) and sometimes,I fiinished later in the night, and have to wait 2 hours just before comming home! my night was so short...
Maybe a better way to adapt with everyone, I know you have so many students, and i'ts not easy to help everyone at the best...
But it was an unexpected experience, I'll do again if I could...
Everything was great. Lessons were very interesting and helpful. Our tutor paid attention to everyone.
School is well situated (close to Metro stations).
I would like to study grammar unit in detail but we didn't have enough time for that.
All was fantastic, except for a small snag, due to the change of my accomodation in NY, just before the beginning of my stay, when I was already in NY. It wasn't simple to find the landlord to get the keys delivered, but, at the end, always resulted for the best.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...the location very good becouse my commute was 10 minutes to walk, the zone was nice, in soho.
the teacher i think were nice, and teh experience with my techer was good i learned to much.
My school time is almost gone!:-)
In this month everything has been important for my personal experience.
If I should find something that I didn't like,It has been the trial run(it's just my opinion),it hasn't been really selective.
The teachers are very professionals.
To be honest this has been a good experience,I'm very glad about...I met more friends,I've done more funny things and at the same time very I've been improving my english.
I think, it's a good school, many skills in morning class, conversation, grammar, listening.....and special business english is so great, we have very good teacher
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...Beberapa homestay hati-hati memilih dan menawarkan kepada pelajar kesempatan untuk mempelajari labih banyak tentang budaya lokal dalam suasana yang nyaman saat belajar bahasa !in New York. Rumah-rumah ini berjarak antara 30 - 50 menit dari sekolah dengan transportasi umum. Keluarga biasanya menawarkan paket makan yang terjangkau yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mencicipi masakan lokal. Jika Anda memiliki permintaan khusus atau diet (karena alasan agama atau kesehatan), beritahukan kami terlebih dahulu. Tempat tinggal Anda mulai hari Minggu sehari sebelum kelas dimulai dan berakhir Sabtu sehari setelah kelas terakhir kecuali ada catatan lain. Pelajari lebih lanjut seputar homestay
Homestay (Outside Manhattan) - Twin room - Bed and breakfast
Homestay (Outside Manhattan) - Single room - Bed and breakfast
Homestay (Outside Manhattan) - Twin room - Half board
Homestay (Outside Manhattan) - Single room - Half board
Homestay (Manhattan) - Twin room - Bed and Breakfast
Homestay (Manhattan) - Single Room - Bed and Breakfast
Executive Homestay (Outside Manhattan) - Single room - Bed and breakfast
Executive Homestay (Outside Manhattan) - Single room - Half board
Executive Homestay (Manhattan) - Single Room with private bathroom - Bed & Breakfast
Asrama pelajar lebih cocok bagi seorang pelajar mandiri, yang mencari akomodasi yang bersih dengan haraga ekonomis. Seluruh pelajar harus berumur 18+ kecuali ada catatan lain. Tempat tinggal Anda mulai hari Minggu sehari sebelum kelas dimulai dan berakhir Sabtu sehari setelah kelas terakhir kecuali ada catatan lain. Asrama pelajar sering kali tidak menyertakan paket makan. Pelajari lebih lanjut seputar akomodasi asrama pelajar
West Side YMCA Residence - Single room, shared bathroom - no meals
West Side YMCA Residence - Single room, semi-private bathroom - no meals
Anda tidak dapat mengajukan permohonan visa sebagai seorang pelajar. Namun, pihak sekolah dapat memberi Anda seluruh dokumentasi yang Anda perlukan untuk mendukung permohonan visa Anda.
Bila Anda belajar full time di Amerika Serikat untuk jangka lebih dari 18 jam per minggu, Anda akan menerima I-20 yang harus Anda kirimkan ke Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat bersama aplikasi visa belajar F-1 Anda. I-20 memiliki nomor pelacakan SEVIS. Pelajar yang ingin memohon visa pelajar harus membayar biaya SEVIS secara online sebelum menuju ke Kedutaan Besar atau konsulat Amerika Serikat untuk wawancara.
I-20 Anda akan dikirim ke alamat rumah Anda melalui pos biasa tanpa dipungut biaya. Bila Anda ingin menerima dokumen Anda melalui pos kilat, Anda akan dikenai $95 pada saat Anda mendaftar.
Perlu diingat bahwa undang-undang Amerika Serikat menetapkan I-20 hanya dikeluarkan bagi pelajar yang berniat meraih pelajaran bahasa Ingggris penuh waktu atau full-time. Undang-undang Amerika Serikat tidak mengizinkan pelajar untuk belajar paruh waktu dengan visa pelajar F-1. Bila Anda belajar untuk jangka kurang dari 18 jam per minggu, Anda harus mengajukan sendiri visa tamu (B1/B2).
Pelajari lebih jauh mengenai bagaimana memperoleh visa belajar Amerika Serikat »
Bandara terdekat dengan sekolah adalah John F Kennedy International Airport (John F Kennedy International Airport kode).
Sekolah menawarkan jasa penjemputan di bandara. Bila Anda ingin dijemput, cukup kirimi kami rincian penerbangan Anda dan tanggal kedatangan. Ongkos untuk sekali perjalanan dari John F Kennedy International Airport adalah $120. Anda harus memsan transfer bandara Anda pada saat mendaftar.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to New York based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Pelajar di luar negeri tanpa khawatir bersama Language International's health and personal effects insurance coverage.
Ada pertanyaan Dapatkan jawaban dari penasihat siswa kami, Language Studies International (LSI): New York staf dan siswa sebelumnya.
Ajukan pertanyaanLanguage Studies International (LSI): New York