Content courses Intensive Arabic

Roots Academy


Topik-topik kursus

Mendengarkan, berbicara, pengucapan, membaca, menulis, kosa kata, tatabahasa dan kegiatan

Jadwal kelas

Lama kursus
12 minggu
Tanggal mulai
Setiap Senin pertama tiap bulan
Kelas per minggu
3 lessons per week (setiap pelajaran berakhir 50 menit)
Hari kelas
Senin - Sabtu
Libur sekolah
08 Jul 2024, 30 Jul 2024, 14 Agu 2024, 20 Agu 2024, 21 Agu 2024, 06 Nov 2024, 18 Nov 2024, 01 Jan 2025, 11 Jan 2025, 14 Jan 2025

Waktu kelas

You can choose from the following class times:

Pagi sesi
08:30 - 10:30
Sore sesi
15:00 - 17:00
Malam sesi
17:30 - 19:30

Jadwal kelas kemungkinan berubah tergantung keberadaan dan musim.

Deskripsi kursus

Our Content Courses Intensive Program offers a total of 36 hours of classes over 12 weeks, providing students with a comprehensive exploration of the Arabic language and Moroccan culture. This program is designed to deepen students' linguistic skills while fostering a deeper understanding of Moroccan society.
The program includes a variety of content courses that vary between semesters, covering topics such as the Role of Sufism in Morocco, Quranic Studies, Jewish Heritage in Morocco, and Migration Patterns of the Mediterranean. These courses are designed to enhance students' understanding of Moroccan culture and history, providing a rich and immersive learning experience.
By participating in the Content Courses Intensive Program, students will not only improve their Arabic language skills but also gain a deeper appreciation for Moroccan culture and history. This program offers a unique opportunity for students to engage with the language and culture of Morocco in a meaningful and enriching way.

Tingkatan kelas

Seluruh tingkat, pemula hingga tingkat lanjut
Kami akan menyelenggarakan tes pada hari pertama Anda untuk menentukan tingkatan kelas Anda juga dapat mengambil tes ini sebelum kedatangan Anda di !Wilayah.

Ukuran kelas

Rata-rata 5 siswa
Maksimum 6 siswa

Umur siswa

Kisaran umur 18 tahun dan lebih
Rata-rata 30 umur tahun
(25 in the summer)


Sebuah sertifikat penyelesaian akan dikeluarkan pada akhir kursus.
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  • Ruang penerimaan Roots Academy 1/14
  • Traditional tent on the terrace 2/14
  • Ruangan umum Roots Academy 3/14
  • Aktivitas yang ditawarkan Roots Academy 4/14
  • Ruang kelas di Roots Academy 5/14
  • Aktivitas yang ditawarkan Roots Academy 6/14
  • Aktivitas yang ditawarkan Roots Academy 7/14
  • Guru dan staf di Roots Academy 8/14
  • Aktivitas yang ditawarkan Roots Academy 9/14
  • Siswa Roots Academy 10/14
  • Certificate ceremony 11/14
  • Certificate ceremony 12/14
  • Classes at Roots Academy 13/14
  • Aktivitas yang ditawarkan Roots Academy 14/14

Tempat tinggal

Roots menawarkan jenis tempat tinggal sebagai berikut:

Homestay  - Single-person room - Sarapan dan makan malam 

Rp 3066781

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner

Kisaran umur: 12 tahun dan lebih
Lokasi: In the city center of Rabat
Jenis tempat tinggal: Homestay 
Jenis kamar: Single-person room
Rencana makanan: Sarapan dan makan malam  (14 kali makan per minggu)
Tersedianya: Januari - Desember
Hari kedatangan: Minggu, kapan saja
Hari keberangkatan: Minggu, kapan saja
Rp 3066781
Our carefully selected homestay families offer you a comfortable setting to immerse yourself in the local culture while studying at Roots Academy. Located within a 10 to 30-minute walk from our school, these homestays include breakfast and dinner, allowing you to experience local cuisine. If you have any special requests or dietary restrictions, please let us know in advance.

Tempat tinggal siswa - 2-orang berbagi kamar  - Tanpa makanan

Rp 2628669

Student residence (off-campus) - 2-person shared room - No meals

Lokasi: In the city center of Rabat
Jenis tempat tinggal: Siswa tinggal (di luar kampus) 
Jenis kamar: 2-orang berbagi kamar 
Rencana makanan: Tanpa makanan
Tersedianya: Januari - Desember
Hari kedatangan: Minggu, kapan saja
Hari keberangkatan: Sabtu, kapan saja
Rp 2628669
Our student residence provides a communal living experience, ideal for students aged 18 and older, within a 10-30 minute walk from Roots Academy. Each apartment is shared between students and offers a comfortable and social environment. If you have any special requests or need assistance, please let us know in advance. We are here to ensure your stay is enjoyable and memorable.

Tempat tinggal siswa - Single-person room - Tanpa makanan

Rp 3504892

Student residence (off-campus) - Single-person room - No meals

Lokasi: In the city center of Rabat
Jenis tempat tinggal: Siswa tinggal (di luar kampus) 
Jenis kamar: Single-person room
Rencana makanan: Tanpa makanan
Tersedianya: Januari - Desember
Hari kedatangan: Minggu, kapan saja
Hari keberangkatan: Minggu, kapan saja
Rp 3504892
Our student residence provides a communal living experience, ideal for students aged 18 and older, within a 10-30 minute walk from Roots Academy. Each apartment is shared between students and offers a comfortable and social environment. If you have any special requests or need assistance, please let us know in advance. We are here to ensure your stay is enjoyable and memorable.

Apartemen  - Single-person room - Tanpa makanan

Rp 4381115

Private apartment - Single-person room - No meals

Lokasi: In the city center of Rabat
Jenis tempat tinggal: Apartemen Pribadi
Jenis kamar: Single-person room
Rencana makanan: Tanpa makanan
Tersedianya: Januari - Desember
Hari kedatangan: Minggu, kapan saja
Hari keberangkatan: Minggu, kapan saja
Rp 4381115
Our studio and apartment accommodations offer a convenient and independent living experience for students at Roots Academy. Located within a 10-30 minute walk from our school, these accommodations provide a comfortable environment for students aged 18 and older to live and study. If you have any special requests or need assistance, please let us know in advance. We are here to ensure your stay is enjoyable and memorable.

Dukungan visa

Anda tidak dapat mengajukan permohonan visa sebagai seorang pelajar. Namun, pihak sekolah dapat memberi Anda seluruh dokumentasi yang Anda perlukan untuk mendukung permohonan visa Anda.

Surat penerimaan Anda akan dikirim ke alamat rumah Anda melalui pos biasa tanpa dipungut biaya

Penerbangan dan transfer bandara

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Rabat based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Asuransi perjalanan

Pelajar di luar negeri tanpa khawatir bersama Language International's health and personal effects insurance coverage.

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Tanya & jawab

Ada pertanyaan Dapatkan jawaban dari penasihat siswa kami, Roots Academy staf dan siswa sebelumnya.

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