FLS Boston Commons
100 Cambridge Street, 17th Floor, Boston, MA 02114, USA
FLS Boston Commons
FLS Boston Commons tidak menyelenggarakan kelas pada tanggal-tanggal libur diatas. Sekolah tidak mengganti untuk liburan ini, jadi pastikan untuk menyesuaikan tanggal untuk mulai.
Jadwal kelas kemungkinan berubah tergantung keberadaan dan musim.
The FLS Academic English Program is perfect for the student who wants to improve their English
skills as quickly as possible and get on the right track for college and university success! This
program offers the most lessons per week available at FLS. Students are able to enroll in the full-range of courses offered. The program includes the core English class and two electives. Students in the Academic
English Program also have access to our Test Preparation courses.
Rata-rata | 12 siswa |
Maksimum | 15 siswa |
Kisaran umur | 15 tahun dan lebih |
Rata-rata | 22 umur tahun (16 in the summer) |
Pusat terbaru FLS International terletak di pusat kota Boston yang menghadap ke Boston Commons, taman dan kebun kota untuk umum yang terkenal. Sekolah bahasa menawarkan berbagai program yang dapat dipilih siswa dan berjarak dekat dengan banyak atraksi budaya termasuk museum seni dan perpustakaan. Sistem kereta bawah tanah di Boston juga akan memungkinkan siswa untuk mengalami berbagai lingkungan kota, masing-masing dengan subkultur mereka sendiri. FLS juga menyelenggarakan perjalanan akhir pekan ke daerah-daerah di luar kota.
Kebangsaan dan campuran umur di berbagai FLS Boston Commons dalam kurun waktu berbeda, kursus dan tingkat. Sepanjang tahun, rata-rata usia adalah 22. Di musim panas, rata-rata umur adalah !age-Summer_age
FLS Boston Commons tidak mengadakan kelas pada hari libur tanggal di bawah ini.! Sekolah tidak memberikan kompensasi untuk liburan ini, jadi pastikan untuk memilih tanggal mulai sesuai.
FLS Boston Commons terletak di pusat kota Boston dengan pemandangan yang menghadap ke Common, State House, Copley Square, dan Back Bay yang terkenal dari ruang kelasnya. Freedom Trail yang bersejarah, Beacon Hill, Newbury Street, Pasar Quincy, Faneuil Hall, dan North End semuanya dapat dicapai dengan berjalan kaki dari pusat kota. Di dekatnya, 'Downtown Crossing' yang ramai, Pusat Pemerintahan, dan kawasan teater menawarkan pilihan tiada akhir untuk bersantap dan menikmati hiburan. Dengan transportasi umum yang tersedia dengan nyaman di Park Street Station, langsung di depan sekolah, tempat seperti MIT, Harvard Square, dan Fenway Park ( rumah dari Boston Red Sox), sangat mudah diakses dan menyediakan kepada siswa berbagai kegiatan budaya dan kuliner. Sekolah ini sendiri memiliki 13 ruang kelas, dua ruang siswa besar dengan TV plasma, laboratorium komputer dengan 15 stasiun, wifi gratis, dapur, serta smartboard di ruang kelas. FLS Boston Commons percaya bahwa cara terbaik untuk belajar bahasa Inggris adalah melalui latihan di lingkungan autentik, karena itu, kegiatan disediakan setiap harinya dan dipimpin oleh Pemandu Kegiatan yang terlatih untuk memungkinkan siswa bertemu dengan siswa lain dari berbagai negara agar lebih mudah berteman dan mengembangkan bahasa Inggris mereka. Kami berharap Anda bergabung dengan kami. FLS lebih dari sekadar sekolah. Kami adalah sebuah keluarga internasional.
The location is very good and so safe for the students. And the manager, Mike is very kind and touching person because he always had cared about students and staffs. And he often gave us advice.
The teachers are good and very kind. But I think the class had too many students, making the students have not enough opportunities to speak.
Very good the location, how the class group Is built and also the teacher I worked with.
On the other hand I have to say that content was not exactly as i expected. Not so much grammar exercises as well as conversation experience in the class. Mainly we worked a lot by ourself just under the teacher supervisione. Even if I can understand that the timing was very short on the other hand the course was something scheduled and so I expected something more.
I have also to say that I just joined the training only in the morning part of the day from 10 tò 13.15 for 5 days and I not joined the afternoon activities. For sure these activities were presented to me as optional and not mandatory for the training.
I really liked my class with my teacher Tench. He was very motivated and explained many things very well. I liked the class material also.
What I didn't like was to be treated like a child from time to time. For example: I was finished with my test 30 min before the end of the class. Other people needed 30 min more. School policy said, that I'm not allowed to leave the class or building in that time. So I had to sit there and wait for 25 min instead of going out and getting a coffee or something. I do understand, that some students need this treatment (18-years-old student), but I'm a 38 year old woman who doesn't need to be treated that way. I sacrificed my vacation and paid a lot of money for that.
I also heard from other students that one teacher there is really bad. She falls asleep during the class. But I was lucky with Tench. He was always prepared and I liked his teaching. But you could still improve the teaching.
I was really disappointed by the activity program. It didn't cover the Boston Hot Spots. I didn't like the way it was exceled, either.
The girl who was in charge was something like a "living GPS". She never introduced herself or gave any explanations. Till today I don't know her name. The first activity we had with a different person (Melanie from the office there), that was nice. It was to the Massachusetts State house. The other activities were disappointing. So I made up my own activity plan.
The girl Nessie, I don't know...head of administration or sth, was super polite but rude at the same time sometimes. By her I also felt treated like a child. Katherine, the boss, was really nice and helpful.
My conclusion: I was lucky with the teaching. Also in my afternoon workshop I had a good teacher, Megan. My classmates were nice, but very young. Obviously there were not enough people for a "above 30"-class. The class level was not extremely challenging for me, but I guess there was no higher level course for the lack of people.
I'm not sure, if I recommend this school a friend or family member. Older ones not...Teenagers - yes.
My host family was amazing!!! I was really happy with them!!!
I appreciated the warm welcome and the friendly environment, the learning method was engaging, although the fact that first lesson day was from remote was a bit disappointing
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...Everything was great! I was really glad to meet with so many people from all over the world. The teachers were absolutely kind and open-minded. Overall, the atmosphere was so pleasant. During only one month, I gained great knowledge. I got the feeling that Boston is one of the most brightest cities of the USA. I wish I could come back.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...It was a very nice experience, I enjoyed the classes very much. I loved the teacher you assigned me; her classes were very entertaining.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...Classes and teachers were cool. The location is great because it is downtown and I could move around pretty easy. I think a nice cafeteria would be useful because we can mix up with everybody and make friends. I would have liked more activities and some of them were difficult for me because i did not know how much they will cost or how will I get around. The family I stayed with was nice but I would have liked to be closer to school and with an American family.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...Good.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...Experience has been very good, I have good teachers and friends. The location is good because this near to the te (train).
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...The location of the school is great, but you can live pretty far away (for me 40 min). The housing wasn't the best. I didn't live with Americans, and my "housing mother" didn't live with us, but in another house. They only care about the money. Fortunately I had a really good roommate which made everything better. The classes were really good, I loved the morning class (core class) and the teacher was really good. He made the class fun and interesting. (The best English teacher I have ever had.) The students were really nice and friendly, but often the people from the same country got together and talked their language. The school usually charges more for some activities that would be cheaper if you went without the school. If you are not dissatisfied with the course you are taking it is easy to change which is really good. overall I think it was a great experience and I loved the classes, teachers and I got many good friends.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I had excellent teachers. Yan is a great teacher. My colleagues are very nice but they ignore the basic grammar and basic vocabulary. So, the level of the class didn't help me to improve my English....
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...I think the level of the teachers is very good, but the school needs improve in the organization of classes, because the school mixes younger students with adults and the younger students don't have the same level as adults.
Tampilkan rinci » baca selengkapnya...thanks for how much you take care of your clients. the experience is great and the teachers that I have are very good teachers (I think that knowing English and teaching English are two complete different skills: they have both at an high level (Chris and Mike)). My score in the activity is 3 because I have never participate and so I put 3 because is obligatory to fill but is not an attendible answer).
The things that, in my opinion, could be improved are:
1) anyone can attend to the elective class and the level is not homogeneus so someone is penalyzed (or doesn't understand if the level is too high or slows down if the teacher explains basic topics)
2) for me would be useful to know week by week the goals that we are going to achieve and the weekly program in order to proact in the right direction and to be aware of where we are.
Beberapa homestay hati-hati memilih dan menawarkan kepada pelajar kesempatan untuk mempelajari labih banyak tentang budaya lokal dalam suasana yang nyaman saat belajar bahasa !in Boston. Rumah-rumah ini berjarak antara 30 - 45 menit dari sekolah dengan transportasi umum. Keluarga biasanya menawarkan paket makan yang terjangkau yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mencicipi masakan lokal. Jika Anda memiliki permintaan khusus atau diet (karena alasan agama atau kesehatan), beritahukan kami terlebih dahulu. Tempat tinggal Anda mulai hari Minggu sehari sebelum kelas dimulai dan berakhir Sabtu sehari setelah kelas terakhir kecuali ada catatan lain. Pelajari lebih lanjut seputar homestay
Homestay- Double Room- Half Board
Homestay- Single Room- Half Board
Asrama pelajar lebih cocok bagi seorang pelajar mandiri, yang mencari akomodasi yang bersih dengan haraga ekonomis. Seluruh pelajar harus berumur 16+ kecuali ada catatan lain. Tempat tinggal Anda mulai hari Minggu sehari sebelum kelas dimulai dan berakhir Sabtu sehari setelah kelas terakhir kecuali ada catatan lain. Pelajari lebih lanjut seputar akomodasi asrama pelajar
International Guest House - 4-person shared room - Breakfast and dinner
Anda tidak dapat mengajukan permohonan visa sebagai seorang pelajar. Namun, pihak sekolah dapat memberi Anda seluruh dokumentasi yang Anda perlukan untuk mendukung permohonan visa Anda.
Bila Anda belajar full time di Amerika Serikat untuk jangka lebih dari 18 jam per minggu, Anda akan menerima I-20 yang harus Anda kirimkan ke Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat bersama aplikasi visa belajar F-1 Anda. I-20 memiliki nomor pelacakan SEVIS. Pelajar yang ingin memohon visa pelajar harus membayar biaya SEVIS secara online sebelum menuju ke Kedutaan Besar atau konsulat Amerika Serikat untuk wawancara.
I-20 Anda akan dikirim ke alamat rumah Anda melalui pos biasa tanpa dipungut biaya. Bila Anda ingin menerima dokumen Anda melalui pos kilat, Anda akan dikenai $85 pada saat Anda mendaftar.
Perlu diingat bahwa undang-undang Amerika Serikat menetapkan I-20 hanya dikeluarkan bagi pelajar yang berniat meraih pelajaran bahasa Ingggris penuh waktu atau full-time. Undang-undang Amerika Serikat tidak mengizinkan pelajar untuk belajar paruh waktu dengan visa pelajar F-1. Bila Anda belajar untuk jangka kurang dari 18 jam per minggu, Anda harus mengajukan sendiri visa tamu (B1/B2).
Pelajari lebih jauh mengenai bagaimana memperoleh visa belajar Amerika Serikat »
Bandara terdekat dengan sekolah adalah Boston Logan Airport (Boston Logan Airport kode).
Sekolah menawarkan jasa penjemputan di bandara. Bila Anda ingin dijemput, cukup kirimi kami rincian penerbangan Anda dan tanggal kedatangan. Ongkos untuk sekali perjalanan dari Boston Logan Airport adalah $110. Anda harus memsan transfer bandara Anda pada saat mendaftar.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Boston based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Pelajar di luar negeri tanpa khawatir bersama Language International's health and personal effects insurance coverage.
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