The start dates of intensive and standard language courses are generally flexible. If you have some basic knowledge of the language, you will be able to start any Monday of the year at almost any school. If you are a total beginner, courses usually start once or twice a month.
You should be aware that language schools have more students in July and August, than during any other time of year, which means that course fees, housing prices and the overall cost of living are often more expensive during this time. If you would like to book a course in July or August, you should do so very early: schools have limited spots and might be booked well in advance for the high season. Your chances of getting your preferred housing type are also much greater if you book your course early. Housing options near the school are especially difficult to secure in the summer and tend to fill up quickly.
Language courses during the low season (September to June) are not only less expensive, but also have smaller classes. If you are able to wait to take your courses during this time you will pay less for your courses, and may even receive better housing since demand is much lower.
Belajar Intensif Bagi dewasa yang ingin belajar !language secepat mungkin untuk tujuan akademik ataupun profesi.
Tes Persiapan: Untuk siswa yang ingin mempersiapkan tes kecakapan bahasa.
Bisnis: Untuk eksutif bisnis yang ingin belajar bahasa untuk mampu berbisnis.
Yunior: Untuk anak-anak umur 8 sampai 12 dan remaja umur13 hingga 18 yang ingin belajar bahasa di musim panas.
Berapa lama saya harus belajar?
Batas minimum dari satu kursus biasanya dua minggu, namun manfaat bagi pelajar umumnya dirasakan mulai minggu ke-3 dan ke-4 dari kursus bahasa mereka, setelah mereka terbiasa dengan lingkungan baru. Selama masa ini, gangguan awal sudah lewat dan pelajar mulai "mapan". Rata-rata siswa memerlukan sekitar 12 minggu belajar bahasa di luar negeri.