Outland English in Scotland

The Office, The Butler's House, Blinkbonny road, Arncroach, Scotland KY10 2RW, UK

Seluruh kursus

Outland English in Scotland menawarkan jenis kursus sebagai berikut:

Mulai pada
Rp 9127205

Mulai pada
Rp 18254409

Mulai pada
Rp 18254409

Mulai pada
Rp 9127205


  • Centre cafe 1/5
  • Historic St Andrews 2/5
  • St Andrews Beach 3/5
  • Time for a coffee 4/5
  • City of St Andrews 5/5

Dukungan visa

Anda tidak dapat mengajukan permohonan visa sebagai seorang pelajar.

Penerbangan dan transfer bandara

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to St Andrews based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Asuransi perjalanan

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The Office, The Butler's House, Blinkbonny road
Scotland KY10 2RW

Lokasi sekolah

Based in the beautiful East Neuk of Fife next to St Andrews, our school office is situated in a beautiful Jacobean stoned house dated 1749. That is why we decided to call our language organisation, Outland English! Our classes take place in the centre of St Andrews next to your accommodation. St Andrews is a beautiful historic vibrant town and it is the home of golf. It has beautiful beaches, a sea life centre, numerous museums, pubs, restaurants, exclusive hotels and Bed & Breakfasts, a famous university, shops, leisure facilities and the famous golf course, ‘The Old Course’ where the Open Championship takes place every year and is broadcast all around the world.

Our teaching rooms are based in community centres that we use and are well equipped for the teaching of English. There are tea and coffee facilities at the teaching centre which is located in the centre of St Andrews.


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