Nagano Business and Language College

3-5-18 Chuo, Ueda-City, NAGANO, Japan

Seluruh kursus

Nagano Business and Language College menawarkan jenis kursus sebagai berikut:

Mulai pada
Rp 7040121

Mulai pada
Rp 36113110


  • Classes at Nagano Business and Language College 1/21
  • Siswa Nagano Business and Language College 2/21
  • Koridor Nagano Business and Language College 3/21
  • Aktivitas yang ditawarkan Nagano Business and Language College 4/21
  • Aktivitas yang ditawarkan Nagano Business and Language College 5/21
  • Aktivitas yang ditawarkan Nagano Business and Language College 6/21
  • Station 7/21
  • Aktivitas yang ditawarkan Nagano Business and Language College 8/21
  • Gedung Nagano Business and Language College 9/21
  • Gerbang menuju Nagano Business and Language College 10/21
  • Gedung Nagano Business and Language College 11/21
  • Ruang kelas di Nagano Business and Language College 12/21
  • Ruang penerimaan Nagano Business and Language College 13/21
  • Gedung Nagano Business and Language College 14/21
  • Ruang kelas di Nagano Business and Language College 15/21
  • Aktivitas yang ditawarkan Nagano Business and Language College 16/21
  • Aktivitas yang ditawarkan Nagano Business and Language College 17/21
  • Homestay yang ditawarkan Nagano Business and Language College 18/21
  • Homestay yang ditawarkan Nagano Business and Language College 19/21
  • Homestay yang ditawarkan Nagano Business and Language College 20/21
  • Homestay yang ditawarkan Nagano Business and Language College 21/21


100% yang direkomendasikan

berdasar 1 ulasan
5 bintang
4 bintang
3 bintang
2 bintang
1 bintang
Mutu guru
Fasilitas sekolah
Aktivitas sosial
Lokasi sekolah
Tempat tinggal

"Interesting experience in a nice city of Japan"

Adonia Preet Dhanjal, siswa dari England

I liked the classes and the teachers. They were very nice and helpful. I improved a little bit in Japanese. Location was nice too, I like the countryside.

However the housing was a disaster. I was staying in the school dormitory and I was really shocked by the lack of sanitation: so many cockroaches everywhere which was disgusting, the kitchen was very dirty and infested with insects. The dustbins were not changed daily so it was smelly. There were no mirrors or soaps in the bathrooms. The floor in my room was dirty when I moved in.

I would come over again because I enjoyed the classes but definitely not in those dormitories.

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Rating saya untuk sekolah ini

Mutu guru
Fasilitas sekolah
Aktivitas sosial
Lokasi sekolah
Tempat tinggal
Lama belajar
2 minggu
Tanggal belajar
23 Jun 2014 - 11 Jul 2014
Inginkah Anda merekomendasikan sekolah ini?
Ini adalah review diverifikasi. Siswa ini telah memesan kursus di sekolah ini melalui Bahasa Internasional.

Tempat tinggal

ISI Nagano menawarkan jenis tempat tinggal sebagai berikut:

Homestay  - Single-person room - Sarapan dan makan malam 

Rp 3954192

Homestay - Single Room - Half-Board

Kisaran umur: 14 tahun dan lebih
Jenis tempat tinggal: Homestay 
Jenis kamar: Single-person room
Rencana makanan: Sarapan dan makan malam  (14 kali makan per minggu)
Fasilitas: Dapur, binatu, telepon, komputer, internet gratis, aC, pemanasan, dan lainnya
Jarak ke sekolah: 30 - 60 menit dengan train or subway
Tersedianya: Januari - Desember
Hari kedatangan: Minggu, kapan saja
Rp 3954192
The price includes gas, water and electricity, beddings rent, and 2 meals per day.
We will arrange the suitable host family, based on the client requests, preferences, and health condition.

This accommodation can be booked for a maximum duration of 12 weeks. Students will be able to extend their accommodation on site after their arrival in Japan. Students need to ask the host family for the extension at latest 1 month before the check-out date. There is a possiblity that you cannot extend the stay in the same family.

Tempat tinggal siswa - Single-person room - Tanpa makanan

Rp 2245317

Student House - Single-person room - No meals

Kisaran umur: 18 tahun dan lebih
Lokasi: In the city center of Nagano
Jenis tempat tinggal: Siswa tinggal (di kampus) 
Jenis kamar: Single-person room
Rencana makanan: Tanpa makanan
Fasilitas: Dapur, binatu, internet gratis, aC, dan pemanasan
Jarak ke sekolah: 5 menit dengan walk
Tersedianya: Januari - Desember
Hari kedatangan: Minggu, kapan saja
Rp 2245317
For duration 2-12 weeks, the price includes gas, water, electricity fee, Internet connection, and beddings rent.

For 4-6 months, please contact us for the cheper offer (this offer includes internet connection and beddings, but gas, water and electricity charge is NOT included. You must pay monthly on the spot.)

Tempat tinggal siswa - 2-orang berbagi kamar  - Tanpa makanan

Rp 1189023

Student House - 2-person shared room - No meals

Kisaran umur: 18 tahun dan lebih
Lokasi: In the city center of Nagano
Jenis tempat tinggal: Siswa tinggal (di luar kampus) 
Jenis kamar: 2-orang berbagi kamar 
Rencana makanan: Tanpa makanan
Fasilitas: Dapur, binatu, internet gratis, aC, dan pemanasan
Jarak ke sekolah: 10 menit dengan walk
Tersedianya: Januari - Desember
Hari kedatangan: Minggu, kapan saja
Rp 1189023
For duration 2-12 weeks, the price includes gas, water, electricity fee, Internet connection, and beddings rent.

For 4-6 months, please ask for the cheper offer (this offer includes internet connection and beddings, but gas, water and electricity charge is NOT included. You must pay monthly on the spot.)

Dukungan visa

Anda tidak dapat mengajukan permohonan visa sebagai seorang pelajar. Namun, pihak sekolah dapat memberi Anda seluruh dokumentasi yang Anda perlukan untuk mendukung permohonan visa Anda.

Surat penerimaan Anda akan dikirim ke alamat rumah Anda melalui pos biasa tanpa dipungut biaya. Bila Anda ingin menerima dokumen Anda melalui pos kilat, Anda akan dikenai ¥ 6,000 pada saat Anda mendaftar.

Penerbangan dan transfer bandara

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Nagano based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Asuransi perjalanan

Pelajar di luar negeri tanpa khawatir bersama Language International's health and personal effects insurance coverage.

Pelajari lebih jauh tentang paket asuransi kami »

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3-5-18 Chuo

Lokasi sekolah

NLC terletak di kota Ueda tempat Olimpiade Musim Dingin 1998 diadakan. Dengan Shinkansen (kereta cepat) memungkinkan Anda melakukan perjalanan ke Tokyo selama 70 menit. Kota Ueda adalah kota industri tradisional di Jepang dan biaya hidup di daerah ini jauh lebih murah daripada Tokyo, Osaka, dan kota-kota besar lainnya.
NLC terletak di pusat Nagano dan dikelilingi oleh alam yang indah dan lingkungan yang bagus untuk belajar. Ada juga area ski yang terkenal di Nagano dan dibutuhkan sekitar 1 jam dengan mobil, jadi kami memiliki banyak siswa yang datang ke NLC untuk belajar bahasa Jepang dan juga menikmati bermain ski.


Tanya & jawab

Ada pertanyaan Dapatkan jawaban dari penasihat siswa kami, Nagano Business and Language College staf dan siswa sebelumnya.

Ajukan pertanyaan

"Is a student considered a begginer if she has studied 12 lessons of Japanese? Do you accept beginners?"

Elisa Rivera, siswa dari Jerman
Joel Fruchart, Centre Caribéen de Langues staf

If she has studied 12 lessons, she is not an absolute beginner.
In case she is willing to study from zero, we can accept her application.
If she doesn’t want to do so, I am not sure if we can accept her or not at this moment.

Apakah ini membantu? Ya

"Do you offer long term course in March?"


We have no intake for a long term course in March. All Japanese schools have only 4 intakes for the long term course (the course with a student visa), in January, April, July and October under the immigration rule.

Apakah ini membantu? Ya

"Could you please inform me about the best and cheapest commute to the school from Azumino? Can he take a part-time job after class? Can students work in Japan with a student visa?"

Akif Kaya, Babil International Language School staf

It is impossible to come to our school everyday. It takes more than 2 hours and a half (one way) by train, about 1 hour by car using a toll road, about 2 hours by car without using a toll road. There is no bus. If he really needs to stay in Azumino, unfortunately I have to say that he should look for another school. As for working under a student visa, he can work for up to 28 hours per week. But to get a student visa, he has to book for 6 months or more. A student visa in Nagano is issued only twice a year under the immigration rule.

Apakah ini membantu? Ya

"Does the student need to apply for a visa?"

mehmet sentuerk, Turkish Language Center staf

Egyptians need to obtain a visa even for a short stay. After we confirm the payment, we will send an acceptance letter. He can bring the acceptance letter and other necessary documents to Japanese embassy to get a temporary visitor's visa. Therefore, he needs to pay for the fees well in advance.

Apakah ini membantu? Ya
mehmet sentuerk, Turkish Language Center staf

Egyptians need to obtain a visa even for a short stay. After we confirm the payment, we will send an acceptance letter. He can bring the acceptance letter and other necessary documents to Japanese embassy to get a temporary visitor's visa. Therefore, he n

Apakah ini membantu? Ya
mehmet sentuerk, Turkish Language Center staf

Usually Thai students need to obtain a student visa. The student visa is issued only 4 times a year, in January, April, July and October.

Apakah ini membantu? Ya
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